Memory Lane

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Prince: Y/n, I wanna take you some where.

You: Where are you taking me?!

Prince: I'm not telling you. You'll have to wait and see.

You: You know I'm impatient sometimes and I want to know where I'm going.

Prince: Well you better wait until we get there.

You: Ugh.....-___- *goes into bathroom*

Prince: Are you ready?

You: Yes. I showered, I'm dressed and ready to go.

Prince: Good! Let's go.

~in the car

You: can you tell me.

Prince: No for the last time. Why do you keep asking me where we're going. I'm telling you you'll find out.

You: Well, whenever you say *talks in a funny princeton voice" Come on, I wanna take you some where" its usually somewhere I like or never been to.

Prince: True....but you'll have to wait. And I don't talk like that. Plus we're almost there.

You: Wait...I remember this street. We're going to the County Fair aren't we. That I haven't been to in years. Aww Prince thank you. :)

Prince: Your welcome. I remember you telling me when you were little you and your dad always used to go the fair every year and I wanted you to go.

You: *gets out the car* I'm about to walk down memory lane with my babe.

Prince: Not just me.

D/n: Y/n!

You: Dad? Dad! *runs up and hugs him*

Prince: I know you haven't seen him in a while so I called him to come up here. :)

You: You planned this whole thing for me? Your so sweet! *kisses him*

Thank you so much! ^_^

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