M&Greet or M&Freak

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~at M&G

You: Im so excited!

Friend: Me too! I can't wait to see Ray Ray!

You: I'm nervous though.

Friend: Im not! :)

You: Well because you met them twice and this is my first time so of course your not nervous.

Friend: Look! Its our turn!

You&Friend: Hey guys! *hugs them*

MB: Hey girls. :)

You: Yall looking sexy.

MB: *laughs* Thanks.

Princeton: You look sexy too. ;)

You: Your welcome. Thanks Princeton.*smiles and blushes* Can yall sign yall names on my hand please.

MB: Sure. *signs their names*

Prodigy: Take these posters before yall go.

You&Friend: Thank you!

You: It was nice meeting yall! Bye!

Princeton: Wait how bout yall stay and hang with us. Just wait until this meet and greet over.

You&Friend: Aaahh!!!

Princeton: And you and I can have a little talk in the back. ;)

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