Chapter 8: Awkward

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A screaming match was broken by the sound of glass crashing against the wall. It surprised us both, my tear filled eyes widened and my mouth opened to say how stupid he was for throwing it and continue to berate him as he did to me, but I knew it wouldn't do any good anymore. Too much had been said between us and I'm not sure if it could ever be fixed this time. I could hear my heartbeat race with my anger and his face was red with brows furrowed and his fists clenched at his side. I don't even remember what we were fighting about this time, but it was the worst one we've ever had. We both knew each others weak points to hurt the most and didn't hold back as we screamed them from the few feet we had between us. I silently thanked that the other members weren't home to hear us. 

"I can't even stand to look at you." He snarled and ran his hands through his hair several times.

"Then leave." I waved my arm to the door and kept my cold voice quiet. I didn't have the energy or desire to fight with him anymore and I didn't want to deepen the crack in our relationship.

"Whatever." His shoulder roughly bumped mine as he stormed past me to then proceed to slam the front door behind him. As I swept up the now broken cup, the tears I had been holding in so successfully began to flow. My best friend, the one person who I could count on and tell anything to, couldn't even stand to be in the same room as me. I put in my headphones as I began to finish my task of cleaning the dorm, before Jihoon decided to come in and all hell broke loose. I was a sniffling crying mess as I was tossing the separated laundry into the washing machine. My phone vibrated and I saw it was only a Twitter notification.

Lee Minnie & Kim Taehyung is Kpop's new power couple?

Followed by a hoard of mostly nasty comments about my physical appearance, talent level, and "worth". The rumors weren't even true and I waited until our manager called me to talk to me about it. They had pictures of Tae and I's several outings we took during our down time and the ones they chose to use were suggestive and taken at the right angle that it did seem like we were a couple.

My low mood skyrocketed lower and I abandoned cleaning the dorm to go lay in bed instead. I curled into the first bed I came to and played a comedy movie to help with my mood, which it didn't. By the time it was halfway over, my head hurt and my eyes stung from crying as I heard the door open and several voices speaking around. I pulled the blanket over my head and turned my phone off to act like I was asleep so they hopefully wouldn't bother me.

"Is no one home?"

"Jihoon said he was at the studio. I think him and Minnie fought again."

"What's with them lately?"

"Jihoon just can't control his anger and emotions."

"Is she here?"

I heard steps travel around and someone came up beside the bed and tugged the blanket lightly from my face. I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing so they'd believe I was asleep.

"Minnie. Minnie, wake up." It was Jisoo. He shook my shoulder gently and I opened my eyes to see his concerned face. "What happened? Did you two fight again?"

I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest, biting my lip to hold back my tears as I shook my head yes.

"Why does Hoonie hate me, Ji?" He pulled me into his arms and ran his fingers through my tangled hair.

"He could never hate you, dear." He hushed my cries and wiped my cheeks with his sweater sleeves. "He's just-he's just thinking about some things right now and you know he's not one to control his emotions that well." He picks his words carefully, as he usually does.

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