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*Citlali's POV (Harry's gf)*
"Where are we going, Harry?" I begged for an answer. He pulled my through the bushes with our friends dragging behind.

"Ssshh," he turned to me, not letting go of the right grip on my hand. "Don't speak," he whispered. We crouched down behind an old building. The world was pitch black and I was terrified, beyond that. Louis and Hailey followed, Shyann and Liam not far behind.

"Louis, what's going on?" Hailey whined. Her brown hair messy and wet. We all lay crouched by the house, running out of breath.

"The hangout," Louis panted. I felt my skin turn cold. Shyann glanced at me with fear it her eyes. Harry was calm, with his head on my shoulder.

"N-no, Louis, no," I searched for a joke in his expression, but didn't get one. Hailey's pale face told me that she, too, was afraid.

"Yes. I need to face this. Everything I've done," Louis said, his eyes becoming red and wet. My heart pulsed in my ears. I sqeezed Harry's hand.

"Maybe we shouldn't -"

"Shut the fuck up, Styles!" Louis cut Harry off. Hailey and I moved back at his rage. He nodded his head and looked away. Liam released Shyann's hand and stood up with Louis. They began to walk away from the abandoned building.

"Liam!" Shyann called, standing up to follow him. They ran away from her voice, the last thing I heard was Liam's frantic voice yell 'Sorry', and my friends begin to scream when we realized that we weren't the only ones there. Harry stood in front of us as protection, but what we didn't know, was that "The Hangout" was not just for us.

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