Chapter 7

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Mark was waiting out the front of the school for Jack so he could ask him what last night was all about.

Where the fuck is he? Mark thought.

Suddenly a small teenager walked up to the school gates, he couldn't see his face, because his hoodie was covering it, but he knew it was Jack.

"Hey, Jack!" He called. No response, he didn't even look up at Mark.

"Jack?" This time Jack looked up at Mark, what the older saw shocked him. The Irish boy had a split lip, that was starting to close up now, and a black eye.

"Jack? What happened?!" Mark asked completely forgetting what he was going to say.

Jack stopped in his tracks.


And that was all he said before pushing past the taller of the two and walking to his locker.


Jack was currently in detention where as Mark was sitting at Jack's usual table writing the song for the project. He couldn't think, so he decided to take a break. He put his headphones in and hit shuffle on his phone, 'Friends' by Ed Sheeran started playing. He started miming the words.

We're not, no we're not friends, nor have we ever been.

We just try to keep those secrets in a lie,

He started to think of Jack. He didn't know why, but, he just thought about him.

And if they find out, will it all go wrong?

And Heaven knows, no one wants it to.

Mark suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, he jumped and looked up, it was Bob and wade was behind him, "The bell went buddy..."

"Okay." He sighed.

"Are you okay, Mark?" Wade asked, concerned about his friend.

"M' fine. C'mon, let's head to class."


Jack walked out of the school, head down, hands in his pockets.

He was looking forward to heading to the park and having a cigarette with Cry, but, of course, that couldn't happen.


"What do you want, Fischbach?" Jack said as firm as he could.

"I just wanted to know what happened..." Mark said.

"What? I don't know what you're talking 'bout." Jack said completely oblivious to what Mark was talking about.

"Your face, you look like you've been in the wars."

"Oh, nothing, don't worry I'm fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet my friend." Jack firmly stated.

"Can I come with you? I mean, I have nothing better to do..." Mark said, but really he just wanted to keep an eye on the younger boy.



"Cry? You here?"

"Heyo!" Cry yelled and popped his head out from underneath the slide, "who's this?"

"You used to go to our school, right?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, buddy!"

"Then you'll remember Mark. That drama dude."

"Oh, yeah! Hey, Mark." Cry said dragging out his words, he was obviously high.

Mark smiled and waved slightly.

"Here Jack, have a smoke!" The masked boy said and passed Jack a cigarette.


"Mark?" Cry said already lighting one for the American.

"I'm good, thanks." Mark said and pushed the small stick of death back towards him.

"Naw... You're no fun!"

"So... Why don't you go to our school anymore?" Mark asked, completely oblivious to the reason why.

"He's like Zayn, dip shit! He dropped out!" Jack said like it was the most obvious thing ever, "but, he left for a better reason..."

"Yeah, I was bullied for my appearance," Cry said, "I'm ugly, so, it's understandable." Cry laughed.

"No you're not! If we're being honest here you're really good looking." Jack said being completely honest.

"You've seen my face once, Jack. Other then that you've only seen my lips when I'm smoking."

"Is that why you wear the mask? Because you think you're ugly?" Mark asked, feeling sorry for the poor guy.

"Yeah, no one wants to see this face." Cry giggled like they weren't even talking about a touchy subject.


"Welp, 'm gonna head home." Jack said putting his cigarette out on the concrete.

"I should probably get going as well." Mark agreed.

"Alrighty, see you later Jack?"

"Yeah, man."

Mark and Jack walked out of the abandoned park and as soon as they were out of eyesight, Mark pushed the smaller of the two against a tree.

"What was last night about?" The American asked, Jack could feel his breath on his lips.

"I d-don't know w-what you mean..." He blushed.

"You kissed me and then you came to school with a split lip and a black eye!" Mark said touching his lower lip where the wound was starting to close over, Jack flinched and hissed in pain, the taller mumbled a small apology.

"I kissed you because it was heat of the moment, I don't have feelings for you and I still hate you." After that Jack walked away before Mark could say anymore.

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