Chapter 1

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A/N: before this starts Mark is a drama/music nerd and Jack is a music nerd and unpopular, but, only because everyone is to scared to talk to him. Is that confusing? Please let me know if it is. Also Jack bottoms in this :P

(The video is what they're acting/singing)



"Yeah, it seems like you're right!"

"I mean, he looks pretty puny..."

"Won't be much of a fight!"

"We can sneak up behind him!"

"Drive a stake through his-" Mark sang as he attempted to pull the stake out of its place on his belt but failed miserably and broke down in uncontrollable laughter.

"Take five!" The teacher yelled, "Mark I need to talk to you."

"You needed to talk to me sir?" He asked his teacher, Mr. Jones.

"Yes, Mark. You need to take your acting more seriously then what you have been. Now don't get me wrong! Your an amazing actor and singer, but you just need to try harder." Mr. Jones explained.

"Yes, of course Mr. Jones. I'm just trying to have fun with the people I'm so lucky to call my friends, thanks to these classes." Mark said.

"Now, I never said you couldn't have fun! Go up there and take a brake and then we'll try that again." Mr. Jones smiled at one of his best students. He was lucky to be able to teach the advanced drama and music classes. But there was one student he would love to come to his classes more often.

The door opened and closed.

Speak of the devil.

"Hello, Sean. Its been a while since I've seen you in any of my classes. Also, your late."

"M' names Jack." Jack mumbled.

"Okay then... Jack. Go and sit down and see what this performance looks like so far." Mr. Jones said.

"M'kay." Jack mumbled. Again.

"Alright. From the top!"

But Jack wasn't paying attention to what was happening on the stage. His thoughts had over taken his brain. He couldn't stop thinking. His father, his siblings, his future, anything that slipped into his mind he would over think about.

This got him worked up.

"Mr. Jones, can I please go to the bathroom?"

"Of course, Sean. Just hurry back."

"It's Jack, ye fucker" Jack said, whispering the last part under his breath.

Jack walked out of the classroom and hurried to the boys toilets. There was no one in there. He rushed into one of the stalls and broke down.

He was shaking, having trouble breathing, crying, the whole world felt like it was spinning. Jack heard the door to the bathroom open.

"Are you alright in here?" Said a voice with an accent he couldn't pick up. "Sean? Is that your name? I'm sorry if I got it wrong. I was just asked by Mr. Jones to see if you where okay..."

"H-How many t-times do I have to tell that arsehole of a t-teacher my n-names Jack?" Jack asked himself as he left the toilet stall. "And yeah, 'm fine."

"You sure?" The boy, who looked about Jacks age, asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

The boy extended a hand. "Felix. My names Felix. It's nice to meet you. I haven't seen you in drama before. Come to think of it I haven't really seen you around at all... Are you new?" The boy, Felix, said. So this is the dude... I've never talked to him face to face...

Jack took his hand and shook it. "The names Jack. I've been here all year... I just don't normally come to classes that often..."

"Oh, I see... Do you wanna head back to class?" Felix asked, "We can walk and talk?"

"Yeah, sure." They left the toilets and headed back to class.

♤ Time skip to when they get back to class because I'm to lazy to wright anymore about that ♤

"We're back!" Felix called out.

"Alright. Felix, take you place back stage, please. Now I'm just going to run to the staff room real quick, I'll be right back."

"Alright teach! See you soon, Jack?" Felix asked whilst climbing up the stairs to the stage.

"Uh, yeah, sure..." Jack smiled. No ones ever been this nice to me... So then why is he? Jack thought to himself. He looked up to the stage to see something he never wants to see again.

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