Author's Note

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Before you guys kill me, just know that I'm really sorry for not updating. I've been the busiest person this month, I don't even get time to breathe.

I know I didn't even give you guys a heads up last week, even though I promised I'd update. So I know, I'm the world's worst writer. I'm really sorry guys.

See, the reason I'm not updating is because I'll be writing some of the most important exams in my life over the next three months, and I've been really busy preparing for them. The pressure from school's also really intense, and it's messing with my schedule.

But, on the bright side, my Christmas break is going on, which means I'll have more time to write. In other words, I'll be updating regularly!

I should have the next chapter up by Monday or Tuesday. So I hope to see you soon!

And once again, I'm really, really sorry.

Signing off,
Diyu xx

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