Chapter XXII

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I woke up the next morning to find my nose being flicked by someone. Not once or twice, but repeatedly.

I whined, irritated. "Stop it."


"James, shut up and let me sleep."

I pulled the blanket closer and turned the other way. He slowly brought his arm my waist and began tickling me.

"Oh my gosh!" I shrieked. "James, stop! Please!" I giggled, kicking my legs and wiggling on the bed like a slug.

"Fine. But we're not done with this."

I frowned at him. "You suck."

James smirked. "Funny. That's what you were doing last night."

I kicked him in the crotch and he winced. "Ow. Okay, I take that back."

I rolled my eyes and slumped down onto the bed. Using his chest as pillow, I let my eyes close. James' fingers were already running through my hair. My head moved up and down slowly as his chest rose and fell. His heart beat was slightly quicker than usual. We weren't in sync anymore.

I opened my eyes and locked them with his. His hair was messy, and his blue eyes still looked sleepy. He had bags under his eyes. Yet, he still managed to look cute. God dammit, what did I do to deserve this boy?

He tilted his head and looked at me fondly. "What're you thinking so hard about?"

"I was just wondering why, out of seven billion people, I picked you to be my idiot."

He beamed affectionately. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I picked you too."

I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his neck, right next to his Adam's Apple. He flinched and gasped softly, sending a weird sensation of pleasure down my spine.

Suddenly something vibrated under the sheets.

"Whose phone is that?" I asked, looking for the source on the mattress.

"Mine, probably. Can you help me look for it?"

We pulled the sheets off. My hand brushed against something hard, but before I could grab it, James swatted my hand away.

"That is definitely not my phone."

We kept fumbling around in search for his phone. Our legs and the blanket were tangled up together. I managed to find his phone just in time.

"Found i- woah! "

Just as I grabbed it, we both rolled and fell off the bed, bringing the comforter down with us. Thankfully, I landed on top of James.

"You okay?" I asked, rolling off his body.

He groaned and nodded. "Check my phone for me, will you?"

I unlocked his phone and saw that he'd received a text from his girlfriend. My heart fell. I'd almost forgotten that he and Mikaela were still together.

"It's from Mikaela. She's wants to know where you are."

"Oh shit!" He was already off the floor and in the bathroom. "I forgot I had to meet her for breakfast. See yourself out, will you?" He was applying toothpaste on his toothbrush.

I nodded and headed to my room. I took a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. Ryan and Phoebe were already there. As I approached them, I could see blueish- black bruises on Phoebe's neck.

"Well, someone had a wild night," I remarked, sitting down next to her.

She looked at me surprised. "What do you mean?"

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