I Almost Kill My Sister's Boyfriend

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Did y’all like the last chapter?  I hope so!  Well here’s the next :)

Chapter Quote:

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

~Norman Vincent Peale 


Chapter 5: I Almost Kill My Sister’s Boyfriend


December 16…

Luke had been lying in his bed with Bryn watching a movie when he heard a car pull up his gravel driveway.  He didn’t think anything of it and concentrated on Halle Berry as Cat Woman.  He kept teasing Bryn that she should’ve dressed up as Cat Woman for Halloween.  He stopped when she zapped him in the stomach.

“Did you hear that?” Bryn queried, looking suspiciously at his doorway.  Luke strained his ears to listen for… something.  And then he did hear something: furious shouting.  He recognized the voice as Silena’s.

“What the hell?” he muttered, getting out of bed.  Bryn followed, just as curious as he was.  They were halfway down the stairwell when Silena came barging in the door.  Her eyes were blazing with fury, but she’d definitely been crying.  Her eyes were bloodshot, her cheeks flushed.  Derek came rushing in after her which apparently was a mistake on his part because Silena whirled on and slapped him with a ferocity Luke had never seen in his sister before.

“Silena, please!” Derek begged, attempting to grab her hand to get her to look at him.  She snatched her hand away.

“Stay away from me,” she hissed.

“What’s going on?” Luke demanded.  Bryn stood close beside him, tensing as if ready to stop a fight.

“Luke, listen to me, I would never-” Derek began.

Silena cut him off. “I caught him with another girl,” she explained venomously.

“If you would let me explain-”

“There’s no explaining that needs to be done!  We’re over, Derek!  We’re through!” Silena stormed upstairs, shoving past her brother.  Luke glared menacingly at Derek who was too busy pondering over the fact that Silena had just broken up with him to realize Luke was approaching.

“I thought I told you to never hurt my sister!” Luke growled, shoving Derek back.

“Luke!” Bryn exclaimed.

“I didn’t-Luke, please- I…” Derek held up his hands as an offer of peace and surrender, but Luke was unrelenting.  He finally pinned Derek against the wall.  This is where Bryn intervened, stepping in between the boys.  She pushed Luke back.

“Luke!  That’s enough!” she scolded.  Luke tried to push past her but Bryn somehow held him back. “I said that’s enough!”

“He hurt my sister!” Luke replied, barely maintaining from strangling his sister’s now ex-boyfriend.

“Leave him to me,” Bryn told him calmly.  Luke looked down into her hazel eyes.  He saw that she was practically as angry as him but she controlled it a lot better which somewhat amused him seeing as how she had such a temper.

“Don’t go easy on him,” he said.

“I’ll take care of him as I see fit.  Now go take care of Silena.”  Luke nodded, gave Bryn a quick hug, and then ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. 

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