Notice Me...

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♡ Kenzie's POV ♡

I walked next to Oliver as he blabbered on about wanting to find his mate, he hasn't found his mate yet but I never asked why but I shrugged it off as we got to my locker and I opened it "hey Kenzie" I heard a voice say and unpoked my head from my locker to see Justin, my crush since... FOREVER.

"Oh hey Justin" I grinned trying to act cute.

"I heard your sixteen in two weeks" he told me and I nodded, not realising the death glares Oliver was giving him.

Justin was the boy of all girls dreams with his short brown hair and surfers body and light green eyes and tanned skin who wouldn't ask to eat him up?

He looked over my head, I'm kinda short..., and looked at Oliver as he lifted his eyebrows "I'll see you later" was all he said before he left

No don't go.... I thought as I watched him walk away amd sighed as I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut

"I'll see you at Lunch Oliver..." I told him and walked away as he watched me leave.

♥ Oliver's POV ♥

I watched as Kenzie amd Justin talked like usual friends but I knew what he was playing at, he was just using her and she didn't see it. I didn't realise I was glaring at him until he looked over her head at me and walked away.

I could tell she was annoyed when she slammed her locker shut and walked away and all that ran through my head was: Don't go....

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