You told Cody what!?

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Me & mom went out for lunch to get my mind off of all the stress. We got back to the hospital I heard yelling from Justin's room. Justin & Cody were screaming at each other. I opened the door what they were yelling about was barely coherent. "JUSTIN! CODY! STOP!" I shrieked grabbing the back of Cody's hood & slightly pushing him against the wall. They were both red in the face & pissed. "CODY HALLWAY NOW! I WANT 5 MINUTES ALONE WITH ECAH OF YOU!" I shirked both of them winced as my tone hit their eardrums. Cody quietly walked into the hall way. Me following behind him. I was livid. Why were those two yelling at each other why Justin was in his condition. "Cody what the hell was going on?!" I yelled & asked at the same time. He looked at his feet nervously not answering my question. "CODY!" I yelled irritated that he wasn't answering me. "it was nothing... Nothing." Cody mumbled. I sighed it was Justin's turn to be interrogated. Cody gave me slight kiss on the lips I glared at him I was still angry. I walked in the room Justin's head was still covered in gaze & his surgery was tomorrow & he had two different casts. That didn't mean I couldn't yell at him. "JUSTIN WHAT WERE YOU TWO YELLING ABOUT?" I asked upset with a sigh. Justin winced at my tone I quickly regretted yelling. "I told Cody that... That.." he stuttered nervously "told Cody what?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. He slightly tensed up & said something I didn't believe. "I told Cody I was in love with you." I couldn't absorb what Justin had just said. Next thing I knew Justin was kissing me.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! vote! Please tell me what you think and/or what should happen next ~ 3justinlover

could we be more? (a Cody Simpson love story.)Where stories live. Discover now