93: Knee-Deep In Daffodils

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93: Knee-Deep In Daffodils

Read: Luke 24:13-34

"The Lord is risen indeed!" -Luke 24:34


Today, we can be right with God because Jesus is alive!


When the first flowers of spring bloomed in our yard, my 5-year-old son waded into a patch of daffodils. He noticed some debris from plants that had expired months before and remarked, "Mom, when I see something dead, it reminds me of Easter because Jesus died on the cross." I replied, "When I see something alive-like the daffodils-it reminds me that Jesus came back to life!"

One reason we know Jesus rose from the grave is that, according to the gospel of Luke, He approached two travelers headed to Emmaus 3 days after His crucifixion. Jesus walked with them; He ate dinner with them; He even gave them a lesson in Old Testament prophecy (24:15-27). This encounter showed the travelers that Jesus conquered the grave-He had risen from the dead. As a result, the pair returned to Jerusalem and told the disciples, "The Lord is risen indeed!" (v.34).

If Jesus had not come back to life, our faith as Christians would be pointless, and we would still be under the penalty of our sin (1 Cor. 15:17). However, the Bible tells us that Jesus "was raised to life for our justification" (Rom. 4:25 niv).


The empty cross and the empty tomb provide a full salvation.



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