91: Shout Of Triumph

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91: Shout Of Triumph

Read: John 19:28-37

"It is finished!" —John 19:30


Because of Jesus' sacrifice for us, we call the day of His death Good Friday.


Recently I read about Aron Ralston, a hiker who was trapped alone at the bottom of a remote canyon. With scant hope of being found and his strength ebbing away, he had to take drastic measures to save his life. During a moment of excruciating pain, he shouted in agony and in victory, because he had freed himself and now had a chance to escape and live.

Those who witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus saw His hours of agony and heard Him cry out in a loud voice, "It is finished!" as He gave up His spirit (John 19:30). His final words from the cross were not a cry of painful defeat but a shout of triumph, because He had accomplished all that the Father sent Him to do.

When Jesus died, He shared in what all of us must experience. But far beyond that, He did what none of us can do. He paid the price for our sins that we might be forgiven and have eternal life through faith in Him.

"It is finished!" was the Lord's shout of victory because now, through Him, we can escape the power of sin; we can live and be free.


Jesus died that we might live.



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