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"Mommy!" a girl's voice cried.

"Mom!!" a boy's voice yelled.

"What is it baby? What- oh my gosh, SHANE!!" a woman's voice yelled.

I groaned. These people were loud as hell, where am I? I started to lift my arm and try to pull my self up when I heard the cocking of a gun. That's when I decided it wasn't safe to get up, at least until my mind cleared. I searched through my head, trying to remember what happened.

Oh yeah, the world went to hell and these people think I'm one of the dead. Ohhhhh snap, better fix that quick.

I raised my arms up.

"Not dead! I'm good! No need to waste the bullet!" i groaned, turning and sitting on my butt.

Looking around, there were two women holding their kids close to them and a man with a gun pointed at my head.

"C'mon bro. " I said, reaching up and pushing the gun away. "I said I'm not dead. They don't talk retard."

I started digging through my bag. I was sooo thirsty. The gun was cocked again.

"Seriously?" I said, glaring up at him.

His jaw was set, expression hard.

"What are you doing here? You bit?" he asked.

"Nope. I'm good." I replied opening my bottle and took a drink, only to find it empty.

"Then what's that?" he said.

"Aww... man..." I muttered, turning my bottle upside down, very sad in the fact that I was out of water.



"I asked you a question."




"So what is it?"

"What is what?" i asked, confused.

"That!" he growled, pointing with his gun at my wound.

"Oh! stab wound." i replied, digging through my bag again.


I looked back at him. He looked dumbfounded, as well as the two women.


"How'd you get stabbed?" The dark haired women asked.

"Stabbed myself." i said, pulling my scarf out of my bag and tied knots into it with difficulty, trying not to move my dislocated shoulder.

"Why?" the guy asked, in awe.

"To calm myself." i said, wrapping the makeshift sling around my arm and shoulder. "I have really bad anxiety attacks so I have to make myself level headed again. That way I don't do something stupid and get myself killed."

"So... you stab yourself...?" the dark haired woman gaped.

"Yep." I said, grabbing onto a nearby tree to hoist myself up. "Do you guys happen to have food and water? I ran out a few days ago."

"Uh... y-yeah, sure c'mon." the dark haired woman replied.

I attempted to follow but ended up face first in the dirt.

"Ouch." I said, ppulling myself up with the help of the dark haired woman and the grey haired woman.

They helped me limp my way into the center of their camp, near the fire. Slowly, I was lowered onto the nearest log.

Zombie Apocalypse Princess (Daryl dixon fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now