All Alone

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Ariel looked up at the sky. Judging by the placement of the sun it was half past- ah who was she kidding. She didn't know how to tell time by the damn sun. She sighed and pulled a water bottle out of her black leather messenger bag and took a drink. She needed to find some food soon. She had eaten her last apple and box of animal crackers a day or so ago. She trudged on for what seemed like hours before she scaled a tree to see if she could see anything. Scanning the tree line she saw nothing. She was about to climb down when something caught her eye. A thin trail of smoke reaching up into the fading sunlight... She sighed again and hopped down from the tree. Heading in the general direction of the smoke.

It was late, near dark, and she was getting tired. Stumbling across the uneven forest floor, she didn't hear the moans of the dead until she slipped and fell. Sliding down the sudden slope, she reached out for something to grab, anything to stop her from falling into the horde of walkers below. She managed to snag onto the slim trunk of a sapling, there was a pulling sensation and an agonizing pop as her body suddenly changed direction. She grit her teeth and bit into her cheek, trying not to cry. She pulled herself up and took off. Stumbling and falling, she wiped furiously at her constant flow of tears. She was shaking and gasping for air.

"Breathe...breathe... calm down... come on..." She said, trembling.

She gripped her knife in her hand firmly, panting.

"get a grip!" she growled at herself, raising it above her leg.

She could barely keep it in her hand.

"Come on, breathe, calm down or you're going to die. calm DOWN!" she yelled, stabbing the knife into her leg with a scream.

She focused on the pain, trying to clear her head, focused on her breathing. A few minutes later, her breathing slowed enough and she pulled herself to her feet. Limping, she continued toward her original destination. She focused on the pain to keep the hysteria away, the foggyness that was creeping slowly onto her, the sleepiness.

"Stay awake.." she muttered, panting.

She was now on her hands and knees, crawling. Her focus was going in and out, her pain now reduced to a dull throb, she knew she was going to die. She looked up and saw a faint light, not to far away. She knew she couldn't make it. She drew in a shaky breath, an attempt to scream, yell, make some noise to get attention but it never made its way out of her throat before she collapsed.


Zombie Apocalypse Princess (Daryl dixon fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora