Chapter Six: Price Tag

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This was not a good idea.

I stood frozen in place, gaping at the four stories of clothes, jewelry and handbags-their worth combined would probably erase half of our nation's steadily increasing debt-feeling like a fish out of water. Or maybe a girl who was clueless when it came to fashion in one of Manhattan's most expensive clothing complexes. Beside me, Sebastian looked a little too pleased with my dumbfound expression. He was probably mistaking my fear for awestruck joy.

Dressed in his signature grey sweater over a blue pinstripe dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark jeans and Italian leather shoes, he could have been any average Joe, whose taste in clothes went beyond Hollister and Abercrombie & Finch. Well, the thousand dollar silver Rolex on his wrist and the custom made Raybans covering his eyes, could be a tip off to his millions. He looked around expectantly until a warm smile curved his lips.

I had been living at Chateau de la King for two weeks and had fallen into a rhythm. Sebastian was rarely present so Mrs. B and I immediately formed an alliance over our shared obsession over The Walking Dead. A big surprise seeing as she was a forty-something woman who looked like she enjoyed tea and crumpets. When Sebastian had suggested an outing, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get to know him a bit better. But I had not been expecting this.

I followed his line of vision to an impressive blond in a form fitting black day dress, her stylist sleek hair tied back by a single hair clip. Her lips were painted coral and her nail were freshly manicured with French tips. She returned his smile and made her way towards us.

Ah-ha! I was right! There was a girlfriend!

"Jolene," Sebastian greeted, a business-like smile on his face as he took her hand in his and placing a chaise kiss on it's smooth surface.

Jolene, Jolene! Please don't take my man from me . . . Shush, Dolly Parton! I pushed the song from my mind focusing on their exchange.

Jolene flushed prettily, tittering like a Fangirl. "Mr. King, welcome, everything is prepared as you requested."

"Thank you, Jolene," he said, removing his sunglasses, and hanging them on the collar of his V neck sweater. "And this," he said, his hand enveloping mine, drawing my reluctant body closer to his. "Is Ellery Van Aller, my . . . ward."

'Ward'. Hm, what was this a regency romance from Avon? I smiled politely, shaking Jolene's out stretched hand. She look taken aback-I prayed she hadn't expected me to kiss her hand.

"Welcome, Miss Van Aller, if you will come with me we can get started."

Turning on her ankle breaker heals, she started off towards one of the many department stores. With some coaxing-he practically shoved me-Sebastian had me follow after her. I was caged in, the nauseatingly perky and lovely Jolene at the front and a calculating Sebastian flanking us. I was herded towards a store with large floor to ceiling window displays, stainless steal letter spelling out Bon Belle Boutique.

Warily I followed her into the store. As soon as I made it through the threshold I was assaulted by heady perfumes and a strong blast of air conditioning that had my hair whipping around like a windy day in Chicago. I glanced around, taking in the strategically poised mannequins, dressed in stylish(and doubt expensive)clothes. Dresses, pants, blouses coats, scarves-every article of clothing you could possibly name was out for viewing.

Sebastian came up beside me, an expectant smile on his face.


Smile was gone. "What do you mean no?"

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