Reaching Fame - Chapter 5

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I got out of my car and walked towards the school doors. There was loads of crowds blocking the way and it was noisier than usual. I saw Evie push her way through the crowds and run up to me.

"God,what's all the fuss about?" I laughed. Evie gave me her serious look,

"Haven't you heard?"

"What, about the bird?" I replied straight faced, jokingly of course.

"I'm being serious Curt!" laughed Evie, playfully hitting me on the arm, "Pete's parents got fined for being in possession of drugs, and they're blaming it on Pete and they've kicked him out!"

"What? Pete's an idiot, but I know he's not the type to take drugs!"

"I know! Apparently they found weed in his parents bedroom!" 

I stood there, speechless, panicking. I was in that room and I had weed in my back pocket. It must have fell out, "I, er, need to go!" I said, going towards my car. Evie frowned at me, 

"What? Why?" 

"I just need to go!" I shouted. Evie ran after me and blocked my way.

"You're meant to be my best friend! Best friends can tell each other everything, but you've stopped telling me stuff since that party!"

I sighed, "Get in the car."


"You fucking WHAT?"

"Look, it won't hurt me, I've been doing it since last year. It helps me."

"You're killing yourself and it's your fault that Pete's parents got fined and now hate their own son! I don't even think I know you anymore!" Evie was full on crying now. I hated that I made her cry. I stopped the car in front of Pete's parents house and held Evie's hand,

"I'm sorry Evie, I didn't mean for anyone else to get hurt over this, but you can't stop me." She didn't reply, she just sat there, looking away from me, "well, I'm going in now. You can stay here or come with me, it's up to you," I opened the door and stepped out of the car. I walked over to the front door and as I knocked I could hear Evie running after me. Pete's dad answered the door, "Hello, how can I help?"

"Erm, can I talk to you?" I said, twiddling my thumbs.

"Sure, come in - wait. Shouldn't you be at school?" he raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, "It's important,"

He stepped aside and let me and Evie in, closing the door after us.

"Go on, take a seat in the living room - make yourselves comfortable!" 

Evie and I walked over to the couch, he seemed like a really nice guy, drugs must be a real serious thing to him for him to have kicked his son out. He walked in, smiling at us, and took a seat opposite us.

"Er, Mr Avory -"

"Mark" he said, cutting me off, "you can call me Mark."

"I hate that you're acting so nice to me, it's my fault you were fined!"

"What on earth are you talking about?" he said, shocked.

"I was in that room, I smoke weed, I had some on me that day and it must have fell out of my pocket. I'll pay for it, I'll do anything, just please don't call the cops, and please let Pete back in your house!" I was literally begging. Mark got up angrily and grabbed his phone, "Drugs ruin lives!" he shouted at me, "I know, I'm sorry!"

"You lead me to believe my son was a stupid, idiotic DRUGGIE! We kicked him out of his home for fucks sake!"

"I know, I'm sorry," I said quietly. Evie looked at me with worry and grabbed my hand.

"Leave, now." Mark said, in a low voice. I walked out, Evie still holding my hand, and got back into the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2011 ⏰

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