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I went home from the hospital the next morning. As I walked in the house. Everything was in boxes and it was so empty. This is it.. I'm moving. I'm leaving the one I love behind forever... "go pack." My mom said as she passed me. I nod my head and go up to my room. I went to my closet and pick the clothes that I wanted to bring. I grabbed my curling iron and makeup. I opened my drawer that had my under wear and bras in it and found a picture With me and Cameron on our first date.  

I tried not to cry, I mean maybe it is true. If you love something let it go and if it Comes back to you its yours forever. I grabbed the picture and place it on my table. I'm not gonna bring it. I was done packing and my parent have gotten everything in the car. "Let's go.." I said softly. We walk in the car and headed to the airport. We did everything we had to do then we waited for our flight. 

Cameron's POV- I can't do this. I can't just lay down on my bed the day my girlfriend is leaving me. I drove to her house and knocked on the door. No answers. "Olivia" I look at the window and everything was empty. They all ready left to the airport... AIRPORT! I immediately went to the airport and tried to find Olivia. 

Olivia's POV- I started going on my phone checking my social Medias. I went on my instagram and saw that I didnt erase that embarrassing photo of Cameron. I softly laugh and smiled remembering what fun times we had together and how he made me feel special. Then they called our flight. We started to walk away but I heard someone yell my name out. I turned around to see Cameron standing a few feet away from me. I ran to him and he ran to me hugging as our body touched. I cried in his shoulder As he holds on to me tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I wanted to see you." I looked at him with our faces inches away. "We will be together again." Cameron said as I nodded We let go and I press my lips against his. Our last kiss... My dad roughly pulled me away from Cameron as my hand slid away from his. "Cameron!" I shouted crying. I saw my mom talking to Cameron then he walked away slowly. What? I look back seeing that Cameron looked back too. He mouthed out. "were not breaking up." I nodded my head and said back to him. "Call me." He started to disappear in the crowd as I walk in the airplane. I don't think long distance relationship can work.

The flight has been very long and boring. My parents would try to talk to me but I ignore them. I don't want to talk to anyone and I'm just really pissed. When we landed on Florida, we drove to this two story house. It was nice and all fancy but I liked our old house better. "Your rooms upstairs the one to the left." My dad said as he unpacked. I nodded and headed upstairs. I went in my room and threw my self on my bed. The room was big I guess. I started to unpack my clothes and everything else. I made my room a little more my style and went back downstairs to find my parents also finished with unpacking. "That was fast.." I said. "Yeah.. We didn't really need to unpack much since everything is already here." I slightly smile and went on my phone.

It started to ring and I found that Cameron was calling me. I went back to my room again so my parents wouldn't know I was talking to Cameron. I answered it and I felt so happy to hear his voice again. "Hi baby.." He said as I smiled wider than ever before. "Cameron.. I miss you so much. I just wanna hold you.." I said sitting on my bed. "I wanna hold you too. But we will one day." No we won't Cameron.. This is happening. This is reality not a movie. "I hope.. And what did my mom tell you at the airport?" I asked. "She just said a few mean things and said that it'll never work out between us." it might not work for us too. "So how's Florida?" Cameron asked. "Okay? I haven't really gone out yet.. But the house is amazing. I like my old house better though." I said. "Oh awesome. Everyone misses you. Nash and Hayes and Taylor and the rest of the guys."  

My dad came in the room. "Olivia, your mom and I are going to go to the store and get some groceries okay?" My dad said "got it." I said as I continued my conversation with Cameron. I thought my dad was gone but he was still by my door. "Cameron?" He said walking in. My mind froze I didn't know what to do. "Are you talking to Cameron? That douche bad who almost killed you?" My dad asked. You have to be kidding me because there was a person on the road and he took a hard turn. He didn't do it on purpose! "No.." I replied. 

"Give me your phone." My dad said reaching for it. "No!" He got frustrated. "For god sake, give me your phone." I shook my head. "No! It's my personal stuff and you can't touch it." My dad rolled his eyes. "Fine.. But ever make contact with Cameron and I'm taking your phone away... For a long time." My dad left and I talked to Cameron again. "Everything fine? I heard." He said as I sighed. "Yeah.. Thanks for asking." Our conversation felt like it was going on for hours. I just wish I could hold him for just one minute or even less, it could be 5 seconds! I don't care I just wanna hold him in my arms once more.. "We'll be together again Olivia Love you." Cameron said. "I love you too.." I hanged up.

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