Don't Forget

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Kalin's POV
I watched Chloe catwalk onto stage, her heels clicking. She greeted the crowd with a loud enthusiastic voice.

"HOUSTON ROCKETS! WASSSUP! How are you guys?!" Damn, Chloe sure does know how to entertain a crowd. The fans cheered again and again.

Myles interuppted my thought process by tapping on my shoulder.

"You good?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, fine. I got an idea, how long does Chloe perform?"

"Well we take like an hour, and the shows are usually like hour and half maybe?"

"Perfect. Tell Jake to run to the store and grab silly string and like 4 pies!" Myles left to report to Jake the new while I called Dinah.


"Hey, Kalin!" I heard her sweet voice.

"How far are you?"

"Actually, I'm walking in right now."

"All right, I'll come get you. Wait at the bus." 10 minutes later Dinah and Jake were in.

"Okay guys, Chloe's on for like another 20 minutes. In 5 minutes wee're going to go to her, cool?" I asked everyone. Myles and I had silly string while Dinah held a pie.

"Dinah you go first and surprise her, ok?" She nodded her head in response.

"Myles, right when she slams the pie in her face, we run on and spray her in silly string."

We watched Dinah enter stage right and surprise Chloe.

"CHLOE!!!" Dinah came up behind Chloe and smushed the pie in her face. Myles and I rushed onto stage to rain silly string on her. We stood there laughing, but Chloe wiped the pie off her face, and soon started chasing me with a pue in her hand.

"Wait, wait. Truce?" I asked. The crowd screamed no, but Chloe shook my hand anyways. We stood, arms on each others shoulders, posing for the picture. Right when the flash went off, Chloe slammed a pie in my face. I felt the cool cream smother my face and the crumby crust against my cheeks.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's what you get Kalin!" Chloe laughed. She tried to run away from me, but I scooped her up in my arms.

"Kalin, put me down!" She whined. I set her back down on the stage.

"You're such a booger!" Chloe said to me as I wiped my face again. Her brown eyes twinkled.

"Takes one to know one, stinker." I smiled.


Tayler's POV

"We should've never left him at the hospital." I stared blankly at the dashboard.

"Tayler, the doctors told us to go home. Besides we were all hungry and tired. Plus we were going to come back." Jordan reassured me. Chloe followed us behind Mom. We were all speeding to K.

It was quiet for a long time.

"How is she?" I asked, knowing Jordan talked to her.

"Chloe? She's ok. I thought she was over him, but she's here isn't she?"

"We all did. We all thought that they were officially over. I knew that she's always cared for him. I just didn't know that she was in love with him." Jordan glanced at me.

"No, she doesn't love him. Nuh-uh, that's impossible." He scoffed.

"Why? I mean it makes sense. How would you know?"

"I just do. How do you know, anyways?"

"I can see it in her eyes. The way she came to us. Trying to relax us because she's going crazy, too. But she wants to be sane for our sake." Chloe has always been such an angel to us, but this time I knew it was more sincere.

"She's NOT in love with him." Jordan said angrily.

We pulled up to the hospital and rushed in. Chloe and the others followed shortly. The man at the desk looked confused.

"Hi, can I ask why so many?" He asked low key pointing at us.

"Listen, we're here for Kalin White." Myles ran in. "We just recieved a phone call from here." I told him.

"Oh, yes. 5th floor, room #214, once you get up there take a right and keep going down."

"Thank you." Once we got up there we all split up. Myles, Jordan, Chloe, and I took one hall and Mom and the other kids took the other hall.

"Myles! You made it!" Chloe hugged him tightly. I hugged her and Myles. They talked about somethinf that happened to her while Jordan and I jept looking.

"Yeah, I walked in and found-GUYS! #214! I found it!" Chloe exclaimed. We turned and peeped through his small window on the door. There were cuts and bruises on his arm, wires hooked up to a machine and him, and a mask around his face. They put a bandage on his head.

Chloe pushed the door open and slowly walked in. Jordan called Mom to teol her where we were. Myles had to go get some water and I walked in behind her.

"I know, it's scary. It's scary to see someone who used to be so happy, walked around with a constant smile, and always made others happy. It's scary to not see that awars winning smile." I saw tears roll down her cheeks. .

"Yeah. And I just saw him before-- this." She cried.

"I'll leave you guys alone."

"Thank you." She said as I closed the door behind me.

Chloe's POV

"Hi Kalin." I smiled. I was reminiscing back to the tour. When Dinah surprised me and he pied me in the face. I sat on the bed with him and looked at him. At the state he's in.

"I remember when you sprayed silly string all over me when I was finishing up my act. And when I beat you that one time in 2k, just that once." I slightly smiled and looked back down at him.

"Kalin, please wake up. Pretty please? I know it may seem like I don't care, but I do. I really do. You're the one I want to be with. I know you've made mistakes, but please wake up. And don't forget about me. Don't forget about the best summer that I've had. When we had a waterballoon fight on stage, when I blasted J.Cole and you blasted Drake and then we had a debate on who was better. Or the time where we went to the beach together and we saw Dolphins." I choked back on tears.

"But please, don't forget the feelings that we share. I've never told how you actually made me feel. But don't forget the way you give me butterflies when you smile at me, or the way I blush instantly if you wink at, and when you hole me in your arms and your my safe haven. Please just wake up. And when you do, don't forget that I still love you."

Authors Note

Hiiii guys!! I hope you guys liked this. I wasn't really sure what to do with everything but here you go :) did you guys see the Get it Get it video?! I spotted Jordan :) BRO WHEN JORDAN SNAPCHATTED IT AND THEN POSTED A PICTURE ABOUT IT I WAS LIKE "NEW VIDEO PERHAPS?" AND THEN BOOM!

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