Your Bed

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Is it weird that I long for you

even though I don't love you any more...

or at least not in the heart raising way

I love you as a memory of a ones great love
A first love so great it tipped me around

Made me stand on my toes
instead of burying my head in the ground

But though I still long for you
I long to lay in your arms

Feel you breathe and try to match that breathing
Try to remember its rhythm for times you weren't there

I miss laying in your bed talking about the nonsense floating in my mind

even though you rarely could catch up

making you confused instead

I miss laying in that bed
 dreaming of the future I could see

for us, for you and even for me

It was a bright one, so bright and shiny
you almost possibly won't believe me

that I could have had glimmer, such hope
about myself.

But that was what you made me do
you made me hope, wish and dream

your bed was a cloud and your body the castle

your love a thing I had never dared to dream of

and it all came true and made me wish

wish in that tiny bed of yours

your bed has some of the best memories for me

the first I love you from your lips, (the first one I ever got)

the first time making love (how awkward it may have been)

and the most precious thing of them all...

Our very first kiss (though we were drunk)


God this was so emotional to write, I hope you all enjoy this poem as it is very dear to my heart. I know it is bitter sweet and I actually cried writing this. But for me it is more happy than anything else, this is a poem so filled with memories that it made me cry I guess...

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