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    Ginny's p.o.v.                                          We started studying around like 5 p.m, and he was actually a really good study buddy. He so really good at transfiguration so he helped me get really good at that. It went so well we decided to come here every day after classes. Some days we just sat and talk but most days we studied. But one day it got really weird.
Harry's p.o.v
I loved studying with Ginny. The highlight of my day was always at the end of the day when we would meet in the room of requirement to study, but my favorite days were when we just sat and talked. One day, all of a sudden I realized that one minute we were talking and then the other we were making out. She pulled closer. We must have been snogging for a good fifteen minutes before I pulled away. I started freaking out and said things I didn't mean to say.
     "Where are you going?" Ginny asked.
     We don't tell anyone of this, you got me?  If people knew I was making out with a stupid mudblood  like you, I would never fit in. Listen to me this will NEVER EVER happen again! I yelled. I slammed the door and started to cry.
Ginny's p.o.v
     What just happened? I thought to myself. I just made out with Harry Potter! The slytherin prince! Am I crazy? It felt kinda good, like really good. But then he said all of those mean things and I remembered how much of a fricken jerk he was! I can not believe he said all of that! I began to cry, I can't believe I started to like him, and I think I still like him. This one question keeps bothering me, should I go to the room of requirement tomorrow?
Harry's p.o.v
     I went to the bathroom and wiped my eyes. I whispered to myself in the mirror, pull yourself together, you are the fricken slytherin prince. But I just started to cry harder. I-I think I like Ginny. WHAT! I can't like weasel, that's impossible! I am the slytherin prince and slytherins can't like mudbloods. It's just a little crush I will get over it I thought to myself, but I didn't, not at all. It just got worse and worse, I fell more in love with her than I did before. I need to find a new place to study tomorrow so I can avoid seeing Ginny. But I didn't and that wasn't a mistake. Tomorrow would be the best day of my life and I just didn't know it yet.

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