The Other Zim, Dib, and Gir

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Dib's POV

Holy crap, are we even on Earth anymore? The inside of the condo was beautiful. (Wow, never used that word to describe anything on Earth other than a sunset...)

Everything was gold and shiny, accept ceiling and floor. (The ceiling is silver) A crystal chandler hung in the kitchen. There was an upstairs, the staircase looked like diamond.

I looked down at Zim, who's eyes were sparkling while he stared. (Well, his "eyes" stupid contacts...) He was staring at the carpet, it's dark pink, figures. (Dark pink, that's his real eye color.)

Giggling-no wait-cackling came from the kitchen. That laugh... But Zim's right next to me! No... It's more high pitched... Zim looked up at me.

"Dib-thing, did you hear that?"

"I think all of Florida heard that..."

I leaned our suitcases on a table and walked into the kitchen cautiously. Zim followed slowly. Oh my god. There was a tall table in the kitchen. (Not taller than Zim though.) Three girls stood around it. I recognized one of them, Bonnabelle, she wasn't wearing a costume...

The other was Zim's height and, well, looked like Zim. The other was my height and looked like me. Like I said though, they were girls. "So in conclusion," the girl who looked like me said, the other two leaned on each other and laughed weakly. "That, is why, I have the most fabulous hair cut out of all of us." She stood proudly with her hands on her hips.

The girl who looked like Zim jumped on a chair. She pointed at us. "DIANE, GIRTRUDE! LOOK!!!" They turned toward us. The girl who I'm pretty sure was Diane had a more silky trench coat than me. She was curvy, still strong though. She wore the same shirt as me, accept the emoji was smiling. Her hair was up in a pony-tail and it was bolted, like mine. She seemed to be brighter also.

The girl who looked like Zim wore a very bright pink, striped, and sharp at the edge dress. Her hair was spiky, it went to her neck, it had a slightly purple shine in it. She wore a PAK, just like Zim, and her skin was green. Her eyes were bright purple, she too looked brighter.

Girtrude/Bonnabelle looked... Strange... She wore a short shirt that went to above her stomach, and shorts. Her skin, it didn't look silver, it looked like metal. There were bolts and lines from fusing metal together on her, she looked like a robot-wait a second... Gir... Girtrude... OH NO.

Girtrude sprung foreword, "You're here!" Zim nodded, he stepped out from behind me.

"Girtrude? Who are these girls?" Zim asked.

"Oh! Dib, Zim, this is Diane and Zoey!" WAIT A SECOND. How is this possible?! Dib-Diane, Zim-Zoey, Gir-Girtrude! Are these girls our-

"We're your genderbenders!" They said simultaneously, side hugging each other with their hands grabbing the other's shoulder. Their other arm on their hips proudly.

"Gender-bender?" Zim asked, as confused as me, if not more.

"Girl versions of you." Diane answered.

"You must be joking."

"No one could EVER copy the amazing Zim!"

"I'm not copying you! I AM you! And you're me! WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. The only difference is that I'm a female and you're a male!" Zoey separated from Diane and there her hands in the air, yelling.

"Well, you two are a little different." We looked at Diane. "I mean, I don't think Zim and Dib have ever banged each other before." Diane smiled evilly, Zoey blushed.

"Y-yea..." Zoey stepped back to Diane. Zim looked enraged-wait, WHAT DID DIANE JUST SAY?! Before either of us could say anything Girtrude stepped in front of them.

"Okay boys let's get you to your rooms!" She pushed us upstairs. Dang, she's strong. Upstairs looked casual, not beautiful. There were six doors, two bathrooms and four bedrooms. One bedroom had bunk beds. Another a king sized bed. The other two bedrooms had a queen sized bed in each. They were across the hall from each other.

"Y'all get the two queen bedrooms. I called them queen bedrooms because they have queen sized be-"

"We get it Girtrude." Zim and I said simultaneously. We glared at each other and separated to our rooms. I shut my door softly, Zim slammed his. I laid down on the bed and wondered how the heck those girls even got here.

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