Plane Ride

349 13 8

(Yes, Zim will refer to himself as "Zim" and not "I" or "me")

Zim's POV

Zim reluctantly stepped onto the smelly human winged vehicle and walked to first class. It wasn't as bad up here as it was in the rear, but it still wasn't pleasant. (Is this really the best humans can do? Ha! Pathetic!)

The Dib-thing showed up a few minutes later. He sat down and buckled his seat belt. There were a few noises in the front. We started driving, wait, isn't this thing supposed to fly?!

"Get ready Zim, we're about to take off." Zim looked at the Dib-thing, not confused at all by what he said. (Okay maybe that confused Zim a bit)

"Have you... Have you ever been in an air-plane before?"

"Arrow-plain?" He chuckled at Zim's question and looked forward. Before Zim could demand to know what was going on, the plane drove faster, and faster, and took off.

Everything got so heavy, Zim hung on for life. Irken travel is much smoother than this... Zim looked back at the Dib-human when things felt normal again. He was asleep, what on Irk?! How could he fall asleep during that?!?!!

How could he fall asleep at this time anyways? It's only-oh wait, it's 4:00 AM... "Why did we have too leave so early anyways?"

"Because it takes a while to get to Florida." The Dib-thing said stretching. I was silent.

"Zim didn't mean to say that out loud..."

"That's okay."

More silence

"What are 'Disney Planet' and 'Galactic Studios'?" Zim asked, brilliantly breaking the silence.

"Disney World and Universal Studios." SAME THING DIB-STINK!!!! "They're theme parks, you know, food stands, gift shops, roller coasters! AND since it's October, Universal Studios will also have 9 haunted houses."

I shivered, haunted houses? GHOSTS!!! No way is Zim going in one of those... Wait! I'm going to have too! Damn you Dib-stink! DAMN YOU!

Dib-stink snickered, "What's wrong Zim? Scared?"

"What? No! Zim could never be scared of primaries Earth scare techniques!!!"

"Sure Zim. Sure."

              .                   .                    .

Dib-stink didn't really talk to Zim much after that. He put head phones on and listened to music till we landed. Which, yet again, was not pleasant.

Dib-stink was eager to get off the plane. As soon as we did he sprinted through a door that had the same symbol on it as mine. Silly Dib-stink, we're in Florida now.

He came out and looked calmer. "My BUSINESS!!! Is complete." He yelled. Oh, so that's what that symbol meant. Heh. I knew that.

We walked, Zim's suitcase felt a bit heavier. Zim groaned, not really meaning too...

To Zim's surprise, Dib-stink took the suitcase, still rolling his...

"Thanks Dib-thing..."

"You're welcome."

Dib-thing is strong... Funny, he doesn't look strong. But I suppose, neither does Zim.

Walking, walking, walking, parking garage, walking, walking, stealing a car-wait what?!

"Dib-human what are you doing?!"

"Jesus Christ Zim calm down!" Dib-thing jumped. "I rented a car so we could drive to the condo!"

"So you're... Not stealing a car?"

"No, Zim. No I'm not."

"Oh, well, continue then!" Dib-stink rolled his eyes and put our suitcases in the trunk. He got in the driver's seat and Zim got in the passenger seat.

We drove in silence. Zim turned the radio on. E. T. By Katty Perry was on. Dib-human turned a pink-red color. Wait. Is this the human equivalent of blushing?!

"What's wrong Dib-human? You're red..."

"Yea um, it's this song..."

"What about it?"

"It's... Um..."

Dib-human never answered Zim. We got to the condo too quickly. Dib-human parked. There was already a car there... Dib-human got the suitcases, unlocked the door, and walked inside. Zim ran past Dib-human, Zim can't wait to see what the inside looks like!!!

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