twenty two

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Carter groans internally when the judges announce that this week's elimination challenge is stained glass. It's her absolute worst area and she's told the judges that herself. Well, that wasn't such a smart move on her part.

However, the quick challenge was fairly easy for once, just some engraving on weird things. Nothing too bad. She didn't win that first challenge and that only bothers her very, very slightly because she's realized that if she wins everything, everyone will come after her more than they already are.

It's a game and strategy is everything. Doesn't matter how good someone is, or how good they think they are, in the end, what matters is how they've played the game. Carter intends to play it the right way. Her art is important, but in all honestly, she can really use the money just like everyone else who's still in the competition.

Carter sighs heavily as she looks over her drawing. She tried to incorporate everything that the judges said to her during her time on the show, especially what they told her about improving her stained glass work before she claimed a spot on the show.

"Oh, is the big bad Carter actually nervous?"

It's a challenge in and of itself for Carter to keep calm and not roll her eyes. Lilian's hated her from the start and she never needed a reason.

Carter offers her a false and friendly smile. "I'm always nervous. Nothing's ever guaranteed, Lilian. Nice to see you in good spirits for once."

Lilian rolls her eyes, her smirk now replaced with a heavy scowl. If there's anything that Carter's learned during her time on the show, it's how to tick Lilian off without lifting a finger. Sometimes all she has to do is breathe.

"Yeah, well, good luck on not going home with that laughable drawing."

She walks away without another comment. Carter shakes her head and sighs as she looks down at her drawing for the third time. It's good, but is it good enough?

Her pencil nervously taps the granite table as she fights with her mind for any way to make this stained glass mermaid tattoo any better.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Carter silently curses to herself when the judges announce that it's finally time to get to work. She only hopes that it'll at least be enough to keep her safe.

Surprisingly, her client sits very well considering that it's her first tattoo and Carter finds that she actually enjoys talking to the woman as she works. Recently she's noticed little things like this. It seems that, because she's taken such a liking to Harry and because she's spent so much time talking to him, his cheery attitude has started to rub off on her.

As strange as it is, she actually doesn't mind it as much as she thought that she would. The only thing that's really nagging her is her fear of being cheated on again. Her last relationship really screwed her up and she isn't so sure that she can handle it again, even after so much time has passed.

Harry's a nice guy, a really nice guy, but that still doesn't mean anything. And then there's Aurora. The ex that just can't seem to move on and only complicates things further.

Nothing's ever simple even if it seems like it, and the knowledge of that has Carter worrying far more than she should be.

The good thing that comes out of thinking so much is that it keeps her focused in some strange way. Focusing on not thinking about all of the way and all of the women that Harry can already be cheating on her with kind of pushes her to do her best and to be the best. At least, if she keeps thinking like this, she'll be able to say that she's tried her hardest to cling to something other than pessimistic thoughts and screwing up an easy tattoo.

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