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Aurora gave Harry the next back of drugs without any sort of compensation. She shoved them in a ridiculous envelope and placed it inside his mailbox in the middle of the night.

He honestly doesn't understand what she's so pissed at him because all he did was tell her no. She's an adult, she should know by now that the answer isn't always going to be one that she likes.

He isn't going to complain tough. The less that he has to deal with her, the better. Especially if he still gets to reap the benefits.

For weeks, he's painted Carter in both his drug induced state of mind and his sober state of mind. She doesn't exactly consume his thoughts, but she does linger there in a way that's a little difficult to just ignore.

Aurora decides to get over her issues with him after the second time that he sleeps with Carter. She doesn't exactly know that he's been with Carter twice or she would have stopped his drug flow entirely.

They've just finished what Harry calls a job when she surprises him. "I saw an interesting video of you on the internet the other day."

Harry freezes in place for a moment at the mention. He knew that she'd find out eventually, but he's still not really sure how she's going to react. He composes himself quickly and pulls on his jeans.

She's staring at him as he runs a hand through his hair, a slight nervous tick of his. "You did?"

Aurora hums as she watches him. Of course she saw it, it's the god damn internet. "I did. Who was she?"

His eyes widen slightly because she's just confirmed that it was the sex tape that he made with Carter. He's glad that he's staring at the wall as he shrugs his shoulders. It's not really a big deal that she knows, it's a big deal because of how she can react. "Just a one-night stand."

And it's true...mostly.

Aurora crosses her arms under her chest, which really only pushes her breasts up and gives her a more irritated look. She knows that it wasn't just a one-night stand even though she doesn't have any proof. Harry doesn't do one-night stands unless he's really fucked up and he clearly wasn't.

"Didn't look like it."

Harry turns to face her, his green eyes cold. "Why do you care? You know that I have no attachment to you. Hell, I don't even like you. So, why is it such a big deal that I slept with someone else and it was recorded?"

Aurora actually looks upset for the briefest of moments before her features turn cold again. It matters because they have a deal and he's hers. And it matters because it makes her feel like she's not good enough, even though she's known that he hasn't wanted her like this for a long time.

"Because this is our arrangement and I don't like sharing."

Harry pulls his shirt over his head and mumbles, "You sure do like sharing yourself though."

He'll admit, that was a little harsh, but it's the truth and if she's going to contradict herself he's going to let her know.

Aurora glares at him, "Don't be an asshole again."

Harry meets her intense stare with raised eyebrows, "Again? What about you? You're literally the world's biggest bitch every day of your life."

Aurora's eyes widen and her lips part for a split second before they close and she clenches her jaw. "I don't have to take your shit."

Harry leans his head back as he laughs at the irony of her statement. "I don't have to deal with yours either, sweetheart."

Aurora snaps, "Don't call me that."

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