Conversation #2: Pretty or Ugly?

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Conversation #2: Pretty or Ugly?

Me: Why are you ugly?

Angela: It's an outlet for my self-expression. My friends back home enjoy hearing about my adventures in Paris. I miss seeing them but it's a good way we can stay in touch.

Me: You are pretty ugly

Angela: I take offense at that! That's rude!

Me: But I called you pretty!

Angela: Shouldn't you apologize to me?

Me: No, apologize to me!

Angela: Its okay


So there is two things I want to comment on. First of all her being ugly is an outlet for her self-expression?!?! And two when she says "It's okay", who does she think I am? Some child that needs a calming down?Or did she think I apologized? Anyway...

Thanks for reading please VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE! Thanks a bunch! ~ horsebackgirl

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