After Goodbye Part Two

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Bitter cold hit Gilbert's face the moment he stepped outside.

"Gilbert," Dr. Stuart said as they took long strides towards the hospital, "you must realize that being exposed to scarlet fever will put you at a risk, but...that's what happens when you're a doctor."

"Yes, I figured as much," Gilbert said. "Have you ever had the fever, Doctor?"


Gilbert came to a halt. He turned and eyed Christine running across the crisp grass to him. What was she doing out here?

"Christine." Gilbert put his hands on Christine's shoulders when she approached him. "What on earth are you doing out here? It's too cold, you better get back inside." The Stuarts lived right across the street from the college.

"Gilbert," Christine said out of breath. "Please don't go to the hospital. I don't want you to get the fever."

Gilbert looked at Dr. Stuart. "Doctor, is it all right if I meet you in your office? I'll be there shortly."

"Of course. I'll be waiting."

Gilbert watched Dr. Stuart walk away. He sighed. "Christine, I'm training under Dr. Stuart for a reason. I'm going to be a doctor. I have to go with him and help. I'm needed there."

"Gilbert, please." Christine's eyes filled with tears, which spilled down her cheeks. "We have our wedding to plan for and look forward to." She stared at him for a moment; then, it was as if she suddenly seemed to realize there was nothing she could do to stop him. " careful."

"I will be careful." Gilbert grabbed hold of her gloved hands. "Now, if you're going to be married to a doctor, you're going to have to get used to me tending to sick people. That's just the way it is."

Christine wiped her tears away and nodded. "I know, I know." She sniffled. "I just don't want anything to happen to you. I love you."

Gilbert wished hearing those words from Christine would do something to him—make him feel something—but they didn't. They didn't do anything, and Gilbert was just beginning to realize that.

"I love you, too," he said and dropped her hands. "I've got to go now. I'll see you sometime tomorrow."

Gilbert turned and ran towards the hospital, not wanting to think about the words he'd just spoken to Christine. Did he really love her? He'd just said as much, but after seeing Anne this morning, he wasn't sure of anything anymore.

Gilbert made many rounds with Doctor Stuart. Some patients were worse than others, but it was difficult to see so many so ill. Finally after the last of the rounds, Gilbert and Dr. Stuart sat in his office.

"This is terrible, Doctor." Gilbert yawned. It was nearly 2 o'clock in the morning. "I've never seen so many so sick with the same thing at one time."

"Well, Gilbert, that's the way of it when an epidemic happens. We do our best to keep them confined and alive, and the nurses do their best to keep them comfortable." Dr. Stuart stood and stretched. "You'd better get some sleep, we'll have to be back in the morning to do the rounds again. And Gilbert, tomorrow I'll be letting you be in charge. I'll just oversee things." Doctor Stuart touched Gilbert's shoulder.

"Thank you, Doctor." Pride filled Gilbert. He was truly learning the duties of a doctor, and he would soon be one, thanks to all the training he was getting here in Halifax. His dream was coming true. Suddenly a pang of guilt washed over him. Anne. If he had her by his side, his dreams would be complete. "I'm gonna go get some sleep, Doctor. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, get some rest. You'll need it." Dr. Stuart walked him to the door of his office and then Gilbert waved and headed back to his room, all the while trying to shake his thoughts of Anne Shirley.

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