After Goodbye Part One

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Gilbert trudged down the aisle. The train lurched along, moving faster and faster. He slouched in his seat, rubbing his forehead.

"Is everything OK, Mr. Blythe?" Dr. Stuart leaned over and asked Gilbert.

"Oh, yes. Yes, I'm fine, Dr. Stuart. Just tired. I'm looking forward to some rest on the trip back to Halifax." Gilbert rested his head back and closed his eyes.

"Well, I'll leave you be then, boy. Let me know if you need anything." Dr. Stuart held the newspaper up and Gilbert turned to stare out the window at the endless rows of trees passing by.

For one romantic moment, he'd thought Anne had come to the train station because she'd realized something; something he used to dream about-that she loved him and wanted to tell him so. But all she'd said was thank you... and good-bye. Good-bye. Gilbert's heart ached like a knife had ripped into it. Or more like the only one he'd ever loved had been torn out of it.

Why do I feel this way? Anne turned me down last summer when I proposed to her. I've got to get her out of my mind!

Actually, Gilbert hadn't thought of Anne for a while; at least not like this. Oh, sure, he'd heard bits and pieces of her success at Kingsport Ladies College from Miss Stacey, but for the most part, he'd pushed her out of his thoughts and heart. Instead, he'd thrown all of his attention onto his medical studies... and Christine. Why had providence stepped in and caused he and Anne to see each other today? His last day at Kingsport?

When he'd first found out he was going to be in Kingsport, he'd hoped he might see Anne, but when it came time to leave today, he was relieved he hadn't. He knew she'd stir up his heart. On his way to the train station he'd caught sight of her, and he couldn't resist calling out to her. And then he gave her that hug. It was almost too much for him to bear, knowing full well the next time they saw each other things would be drastically different.

"Don't forget me," he'd said before he'd turned and walked away. Why had he said that? It was obvious she was thrilled with the direction her life was going. The board of governors had even offered her a five-year contract! He was sure she would, indeed, forget him. Why, he'd probably not see Anne again for a long while. That must be why she'd come to say good-bye just now. Gilbert shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

I have to get her out of my mind before I get back to Halifax. Before I see Christine!

He leaned his head back the seat and closed his eyes. The train was at full speed now, and the dull humming that echoed through the car relaxed him. He blocked Anne out of his mind by thinking of the plans Christine was making for their wedding.

"Gilbert!" a woman's gentle voice called to him.

Gilbert spotted Christine hurrying towards him. A few ringlets of her chestnut-brown hair framed her face, but the rest was hidden underneath her gray, velvet hat. She wore a gray coat, but the trim of her white dress swished around her ankles as she moved closer to him. The chill in the air matched the chill in Gilbert's heart; he felt like he'd betrayed Christine for even thinking about Anne the way he had.

Gilbert embraced her, breathing in the scent of flowers Gilbert had become so familiar with; Christine always smelled of flowers. Yes. This was where he belonged-with Christine. She loved him. They would be perfect for each other.

"I missed you." She stood back, her gloved hands in his. "How did it go with the royal academy of physicians?" Her blue eyes fairly sparkled when she smiled.

"Everything was perfect." Gilbert picked up his bag. Christine linked her arm through his and they walked towards the college where Gilbert lived, right near the hospital. He didn't want to tell Christine he'd seen Anne. Christine had asked him if he might see her, and he'd told her he wouldn't go out of his way to find her. He knew Christine was a bit on edge when it came to Anne Shirley. He hoped she wouldn't ask if he'd seen her.

"So, what did you accomplish while I was gone?" he asked, hoping to switch the direction of their conversation.

"Oh, Gilbert, our plans are coming along swimmingly." Her hands tightened around his arm and he felt her excitement. "Mrs. Stuart and I did some searching, and I finally found the fabric for my dress, not that you're going to see it before our day mind you, but I've found it and it's just perfect. It's exactly what I was looking for!''

"Well, that's wonderful!" Gilbert knew Mrs. Stuart had become like a mother to Christine. They'd even opened their home to her while she lived here, so she could be near Gilbert. He was sure Mrs. Stuart was having the time of her life helping Christine with the wedding.

"I can't wait to see you wearing it this summer," he said. Being with Christine now and talking about their wedding was the best medicine for what ailed him. The more he was with his fiancé-the deeper Anne would slip into his heart, and hopefully out of his thoughts, too.

Later on that evening Gilbert sat at his desk studying for his exam when his mind returned to Anne. She hadn't changed a bit. She'd looked exactly the same-her hair still red as carrots. He shook his head and chuckled to himself. Being near her had caused his heart to skip a beat just like it always had. His hands trembled at the thought of her.

He stood and strolled to the window. He peeled back the curtain and gazed outside. The sun had nearly set. Spring would be upon them soon, and then summer... and then his wedding.

"I'll forget you, Anne. I will." He knew he'd told Anne to never forget him, but if he wanted to get on with his life, he would have to forget her. He would have to. His hands clenched into tight fists from the ache in his heart. He was engaged to Christine. He had to get his thoughts off Anne. Why had he seen her today? Why couldn't he have simply gotten on the train without having to set eyes on her again?

Gilbert jumped at the knock on his door.

"Gilbert, its Dr. Stuart," Dr. Stuart echoed from behind Gilbert's door.

Gilbert let out a deep breath, glad to have something-anything-take his mind off Anne. He opened his door.

"Dr. Stuart, I wasn't expecting a visit from you this fine evening."

Dr. Stuart strode in and took his hat off. "Gilbert, we've returned to Halifax to some disheartening news."

"What is it, Doctor? Can I help?" Gilbert folded his hands in front of him, relieved for the distraction.

"Scarlet fever has broken out. It's spreading in the hospital." Dr. Stuart's white, bushy eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll do whatever you want me to," Gilbert said.

"That's my boy." He put his hand on Gilbert's shoulder. "I knew I could count on you. You're going to make a fine doctor, Mr. Blythe. A fine doctor." He smiled.

Gilbert grabbed his coat off the coat rack and plopped his hat on his head. "Thank you, Doctor. That's actually an excellent compliment to yourself. I'm learning everything I know from you."

"Let's go." Dr. Stuart opened the door. Before he walked out he turned and looked at Gilbert. "I certainly do wish you and Christine would reconsider living here in Halifax, Gilbert. We'd make an excellent team-you and me."

Gilbert glanced around his small room. "We would make a fine team, Doctor. But... I want to make it on my own." He smiled. "I want to return to the Island."

Dr. Stuart nodded. "I understand. And you will make it on your own, my boy. You will." He turned and walked into the hallway, and Gilbert followed.

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