Chapter 8

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Hey guys!!!! I’m officially an awesome person because I’m going to start writing for y’all again!!! Now, it would  be cool if you commented and vote…. So Yea J Ok so here is the new chapter! Explanations are happenin!! Hope you like it!!! Love you all Btw the song on the side is the one Aden was singing in the car :)))))

XXXxxxXXXxxx Sage <3                        ===================> Melanie!


“Explain to me again please. Why exactly are we bringing her along?” I asked, somewhat exasperated.

*Sigh* “Because if we just leave her, she’ll be found, and she’ll tell someone about us. We don’t want that to happen because then Freidman will know we are alive and well, and will send someone after us. We don’t want that because the he’ll send his ‘gorillas’ after us, and our whole plan will be shot to sunshine. He said with exaggerated patience.

Right. The plan. Le plan. El plan de. 計画. Anyhow, Ang plano is that we hit the road in an ‘inconspicuous’ vehicle, (How a bright orange 2010 convertible Mitsubishi Eclipse is inconspicuous, I will never know. I was told it will be when we get where we’re going) tug Melanie along  with us till we get to a ‘friend’ of Jordan’s who will tell us how t get to Freidman’s place, and then we formulate another plan to take him down. Right now the goal is to get us to L.A. safely, and without anyone knowing we’re actually breaking a whole slew, kidnapping and grand theft auto just skimming the top.  So here we are. With Mel. sitting in in the back, under a blanket, with her hands tied to her ankles, and gagged.

We had been on the road for about 3 days, and when Mel wasn’t asleep or stuffing her face, she was complaining or hitting on Jordan, hence the gag. It was my idea. Right now I don’t even know where we were. I hadn’t been paying attention to our surroundings; I had been getting some explanations and answers from Jordan. After I had been put in that room, they had tied Jordan down so he couldn’t leave, and would be out of the way while they put me to the final test. The room I was put in was meant to ‘contain‘ the fire. It didn‘t work though, and the whole lab caught fire, making Freidman, the gorillas, and anyone else who might have been part of the lab flee for their lives, leaving Jordan and myself to parish. That‘s when a beam for the ceiling fell and knocked Jordan out (I shivered at that point). It’s no small miracle that the fire didn’t kill him, and an even bigger one that it didn’t kill me. He said that I hadn’t changed to this…. Person in the fire, but that one of the drugs that Freidman had given me combined with others rearranged my facial structure. I’m still not quite sure how that happened but I’m not going to push my stomach, just in case. 

He explained to me that his friend was in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and that he knew where Freidman is. I asked him how he knew we could trust him. He just smiled, shrugged, and told me that they owed him a favor. I let it go after  a stare down. I also found my parents savings jar. So ha. Take that. I was surprised to see it held $5,000, and I was not  surprised to find that it was hidden in their closet, on the shelf above the clothes.

So  now here we are, on the way to Mexico, Melanie in the back asleep, and me and Jordan bickering in the front.

“No, we shouldn’t stop for the night. It will only make this trip longer than it has to be.” Jordan said 

“Well what if I want this trip to be long? I enjoy your company!” I told him

“Yea, but everyday we wait is another day that Freidman can find us”

“Jordan, c’mon please? I’m tired and I smell bad-”

“No you don’t”

“And I’m sore” I carried in as if he hadn’t spoken “I’m also HUNGRY!”

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