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"It's all my fault.I'm so sorry baby, so sorry." Harry watched as his mother broke into yet another series of endless sobs. He saw as she cradled Zayn's hand to her face and kissed it softly.

He couldn't get the incident out of his head. It replayed itself in his mind like a terrible nightmare, only it was real this time. Zayn's bandaged form laying in a hospital bed attached to numerous tubes was a painful reminder of what had happened.

Harry couldn't recall a time he had felt more powerless than he did in those few seconds. He watched as Zayn slipped on the disastrous bottle and then tumbled down the stairs like a ragdoll. He heard the gut wrenching scream leaving his mouth before he laid limp on the ground.

Harry couldn't do anything but watch the scene unfold itself in front of his eyes. He felt a scream of his own leaving his body before everything turned into a messy blur. His body was in overdrive. It was like he was on some superhuman drugs and everything was whipping past him. Dread coursed through his body as he saw blood pooling around Zayn's small frame. He yelled for help and tried inspecting his brothers state. But his attempts were futile as he couldn't stop the shaking in his hands. Every time he tried to check Zayn's pulse, a cold tremor would pass his body and he'd want to scream at the top of his lungs.

At some point, He saw a flash of blond right across from him.It was Niall. Harry could tell he was talking to him but he couldn't hear what he was saying. He could see the panic and urgency in the blonde's actions but he couldn't feel anything himself. Anything but the overwhelming sense of fear.

He saw as Niall waved a hand right in front of his face, before sighing heavily. He wanted to help him, to help Zayn, to do anything but he was helpless.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the degrading laughter, that Harry was back in his body. He felt a rush of anger and hatred coarse through him, as he made his way back upstairs where his father was standing. He looked at his father's smug expression and that was it. He couldn't account for his actions after that. It was like he was watching himself from outside of his body as he landed punch after punch to his fathers cowering form. He wanted to go check on Zayn but his body had a mind of its own. Anger overpowered all of his senses and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. All his bottled up anger and hatred came upon his father in the form of punches and kicks until he was black and blue.

"Stop Harry!" Harry had looked at his father's crouching form on the ground. A powerful surge of hatred crossed his body as he gave a final kick to his already huddled up figure. He saw as his father's body shuddered in fear and it gave Harry a sick feeling of satisfaction.

He wanted his father to feel what they felt all those years. He wanted him to be frightened, to feel pain and most importantly to feel betrayed. He was Harry's father after all. Harry felt betrayed when he decided to be a grim monster and broke his family apart. It was only fair if his father felt the same.

"The paramedics are here, Harry!Come on!" He gave his father a final look before turning towards his best friend. It was the first time, Harry had responded to his best friend's plea, that night.

To say that Niall was a wreck, wouldn't be that wrong. His previously styled blonde hair was a disheveled mess, his blue eyes shining bright with panic and fear was clearly evident on his face. His white shirt was stained red with what Harry assumed was Zayn's blood.

Harry followed his friend to where Zayn was being laid on a gurney. He felt fear bubbling in the pit of his stomach, as he saw the paramedics attaching different tubes to Zayn's unconscious form. He wanted to ask if he was fine or what was wrong with him, But he was too scared that he might not like the answer to that.

"He's fine.They said he might've broken his arm, but he's gonna be fine." Harry jerked his head towards Niall. He had a reassuring look on his face as he patted Harry lightly on the back. In that moment, Harry felt grateful that Niall was with him during all of the chaos. He knew he wouldn't have been able to tackle the situation himself. In fact, he would've failed miserably. If it weren't for Niall, Harry couldn't even imagine what would've happened.

Even later that night, Niall was the one who dragged him to the hospital, who explained to the doctors what had happened, who called Harry's mother and faced her when she came. He waited alongside Harry in the waiting room and consoled his mother when she cried about her baby. He talked to the police officer and explained to him what he had witnessed. He even talked to the child protective services who were called by the police when they analysed the situation. All in all, Niall was the only one keeping the ship afloat, when everyone was scared of the storm that was upon them. He was the one keeping them from drowning even in the most horrible circumstances. Niall was a saviour and Harry was forever indebted to him.

"Harry?" He looked up at his mother who was sitting beside Zayn's bed. Her eyes were wet and dark circles surrounded them. She looked exhausted.

"Come on." She waved him over to his brothers side. Harry looked at the small form of his younger brother. Zayn had always been a small lad for his age but attached to all those tubes he looked even smaller. He looked fragile and easily breakable. Harry didn't like that, He didn't like any of it.

He blinked a few tears as he made his way towards the hospital bed. He stroked the huge cast on Zayn's arm softly. Harry felt like a huge failure in that moment. Like all those years when he tried to shield Zayn from the world were pointless. He felt like he couldn't accomplish his only mission. He couldn't protect Zayn.He felt purposeless.

"It's fine Harry, It's gonna be fine." Her voice came out coarse but firm.

"I hate him."Harry voiced his thoughts, caressing Zayn's face softly.

"I know."She let out quietly. Harry turned to look at her, a questioning expression on his face.

"You know!That's it!" Harry looked as his mother heaved a sigh and opened her mouth to speak.

"No!You don't get, to say anything! That monster pushed Zayn off the bloody stairs! and I only know that because I was around to witness it!God knows what else he must've done to him!" Harry saw as his mother started tearing up.

"Harry.." She tried but he shook his head adamantly. He wasn't ready to listen to whatever she had to say.

"You know what?You aren't any better than him!You were just so eager to get that divorce, to get rid of that bastard, that you didn't think of Zayn once!You didn't think how it'd effect him!You were Selfish, mum!and you have to admit it!"Harry yelled.

"You know how much I tried, Harry!You know how many times I've tried to get him back from your father!you were there all along!" Harry shook his head at her words.

"Yeah whilst Zayn was sacrificing himself for our sake!"He scoffed.

"You know that night when you came to tell us, Zayn wasn't in my room because it was dark.He was there because he was afraid of the consequences of his bloody parents fighting all the freaking time." A wet chuckle left his lips."It isn't like that made it any better."He let out defeated. Tears were now freely falling from his eyes.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry."His mother was crying. Her face was flustered and it felt like she was struggling to form her words. Harry let out a sob.

"You weren't there mom!You don't know what happened.He just...He just..."Harry couldn't complete the sentences even if he wanted to. He felt his mother's arm around him and that was all it took for him to collapse entirely.

The lump in his throat kept growing until he wanted to scream out in pain. It felt like there was a hole where his heart was supposed to be and it was swallowing him inside out. Hot tears streamed down his face and he wailed as his mother tried to calm him down. He was inconsolable. His body was tired and he just wanted it to be over and for everything to be better again.



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