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"In a world like ours some still resist. They call it upon themselves to fix this utopia. However that isn't their duty-and this doesn't need fixing. Therefore in order to protect out society and the world we must ensure that these people, and their ignorance, disappear. They must be eliminated-and quickly. Before this world-our world, turns to dust."

-The Elite

14 years ago

My father was banished, I still remember that day. My mother was crying so much that they had to take her away. My father screaming while he was put in chains and onto a Steele that I never saw again. The last thing I remember were his deep rust colored eyes looking at me, pleading with me to keep his secret. I pretend to not know why he was banished. All I remember was the weeks before, he seemed cut off. He had a secret but my mother wasn't brave enough to ask. I was though. He came home late and disheveled every evening after that, sometimes locking himself in his room for hours on end, not eating or sleeping. He seemed to get angrier and angrier as the days went by. My fear for him built up, with the passing moments, until it was at its peak. What if they took him away? What if they took me away? That was when the Officials took him and after that all I've felt is a growing numbness.


Today was the most boring day ever, this morning I had lessons with the tutor. We had a discussion on the topic of reproduction in small organisms, which left me pondering. After that I took a Steele from my dwelling to my Role. It's a putrid Role really; all I do is read numbers, process and sort them so that the nutrition count is right in every meal, delivered to us. For example every meal consists of a small portion of grain and nutritional shake, issued by The Elite. What I do is read the numbers codes on the "packages" of grain and shake and put that specific "package" in its proper slot, so that it will go to the right person, based on their nutrition count. After that I took another Steele back to the dwelling and ate my meal. And this is where I am now in my bedroom a state of calm boredom in my mind, thinking about today, and the numb memory of my father.

I sat bolt upright, I was in field of white, dainty, flowers.

"Where am I?" My thoughts echoed through the silent meadow. "Am I dreaming?". As I stood up a figure walked towards me. "Father?" I said to the familiar silhouette of my father

"Kiora,"He spoke as he stroked my hair, like he did the day he told me his secret "don't tell Mother, I don't want her to be scared."

" I won't father" the echoic thoughts voiced themselves. He stopped stroking my hair. He walked off labored, as if his feet were made of lead. Then I noticed them the chains first at his feet then snaking up his legs onto his arms, until he was completely chained. Then he fell. As he fell the flowers around him turned to flames engulfing him.

"No!" I screamed. Then the flames crept towards me, I began sprinting. But my feet turned to lead and running became impossible, then the flames engulfed me too.

Everything turned to black.

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