The Khajiit of Tamriel

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The Khajiit are one of the "beast" races in the Elder Scrolls series. By the word beast I mean that they are animal like and not like "Wow! They're the best race to choose!" They possess many cat like features. They have fur, claws, enhanced vision during the night, and tails. In the Elder Scrolls games they can use their claws instead of fists and they deal a great amount of damage!
A large population of Khajiit live in the province of Elsweyr. In the north of Elsweyr is a hot desert and to the south is a dense jungle. They are well known for their natural agility and silent stealth. They are also known for their production of moon sugar which can be refined into skooma which is banned in Skyrim. They travel around selling their many things, but most do not trust the Khajiit due to racial prejudice throughout Tamriel possibly created by the belief that the Khajiit are thieves. Personally I like the Khajiit because they are untrusted and I like that they are cat people. Apparently one bad apple ruins the bunch in Tamriel.

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