Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Summer POV

"Uhm... Okay" I studder out, when he's nervous it always rubs off on me. But before he can say anything the bell rings.

I dart away quickly, relieved the bell interrupted him. And plus if I'm late to class again Mr. Crook will kill me.

"Wait! I didn't ask yet!" Aaron tells towards me.

"Ask me later!" I yell as I run off. 

"Well if it isn't Princess Summer looking ugly as ever?" Rikki, my least favorite person in the worlds announces as I enter.

I ignore her and make my way over to my seat.

She just rolls her eyes at me.

"You look awful today" she snarls at me. I seriously don't even know why she hates me like she does.

"Thanks for your opinion Rikki, really. It means a lot to me" I say monotonously.

"Well than you should know that it's not just my opinion. Everyone thinks you're ugly. I just say it." She huffs and then finally walks away.

Honestly her words don't get to me, I already know that I'm not exactly anyone's definition of pretty. What I hate her for is all of her 'harmless' pranks.

Like one time freshman year she stole all of the dead frogs from the biology room and put them all in my locker. It smelled awful and everyone thought that was hilarious. That's how I met Cleo though, so in a weird way I'm glad it happened.

"Alright class. Open up to page 483."

For the next hour I sat and listened to his lecture.

After class I made my way to my locker.

"Hey Summer" an unfamiliar voice says.

I turn around and see Johnny, Cleo's crush.

"Oh, hey Johnny. What's up?"

"Can I talk to you for a second about something?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah, sure"

"So you and Cleo are friends right?"

I nod my head. "Yup. Best friends"

"That's kinda what I wanted to ask you about" He plays with his hands.

"Okay..." I push him on

"Do you think she'd go out with me? I think she's gorgeous and I know she might be way out of my league, but could you talk to her for me please?" He finishes looking so desperate. It's actually heartwarming how much he seems to like her.

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