Chapter 9

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I tried so hard to sit there and think about what Jack might actually be without sounding ridiculous.

It seemed impossible, every thing that came to mind I pushed out with the small doubt in mind that I'm delusional.

It just doesn't add up, the things Sam said, the things Joey said when we were younger, and I can't seem to pinpoint anything.

The only thing is the heat of his body but, that could just merely be the average human body heat

He left my room just thirty minutes ago with Drake.

Maybe he's secretly dating Drake and doesn't want anyone to know.

I scoffed at my immature conscience, walking off to the grand bathroom.

Literally, that bathroom was larger than life.

Everything felt so vintage and priceless. All the vases, the pottery, the paintings.

I swear I saw a signature from Leonardo De Vinci on one of the immensely spectacular paintings hanging above the toilet.

Sighing, I stripped out of my clothes and into yet another shower.

Its so...quiet here.

I could actually think.

I didn't have to worry about my mothers criticism or her harsh words, judgmental comments or glares of disappointment.

I smiled, maybe I was really away from her.

As bad as it sounds I was happy

She wouldn't be here to scold me if I ate anything she didn't approve of, or swat at me when I did anything unladylike.


Finally, I can be myself without judgement

I can sing, I can joke, I can play.

I can do everything I was deprived of as a child. The fun memories, the going out with friends, the interactions, the love.

I'm surprised I haven't developed any social anxiety or any complex problems from the fear of never being excepted.

But all that is out the window, I can be me.

Like I said, Sophia would sing me to sleep and some days I'd sing with her because I've always loved to.

It always seemed to brighten me up and lift my spirits.

I turned the shower off, hoping into a robe and walking into the bedroom.

I'm aware that before a lot of things changed music was a really big mood changer, I developed a really big addiction to it.

A lot of singers and other musically talented people, aren't really appreciated nor commended for beautiful put together tunes and melodies.

I love how they all told stories and gave us a view on life metaphors and idioms.

iTunes, spotify, and YouTube still exist but people with access to internet and a phone only know.

Which not all people have -just the wealthy.

Rummaging through the enormous closet, I pick out the most comfy thing I could find -which was almost impossible- boxers?

I chuckled and slid them on over my underwear, this was the only lazy wear the palace owned I'm assuming.

I laid in bed, far from tired.

The phone clutched in my hand as I rummaged through songs.

Settling on Lean on by major lazer, Mo and DJ snake

Most of these songs I've never heard but I love to hear new things. I feel like I can get an image of how life used to be.

"Do you recall, lived long ago we would walk on the sidewalk. Innocent remember, all we did was care for each other. When the night was young"

Singing was so relaxing, I could just let go through the song.

Every sentence giving me a piece of the past, giving me hope for the future.

"Are those my boxers?" I jumped quickly, turning to see Jack, leaning against the doorframe.

A smirk was on his face and his hands were just about.

"N-No......Um, I f-found the closet?" Jesus I sounded so stupid.

"You sure you weren't looking through my underwear drawer?" He teased, I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

"I-I needed something comfortable" I said shyly, my head lowering.

"Where did you go?" I asked, trying to convert the attention to him.

"With Drake, we went over a few things"

Speaking of Drake, where was he?

Thinking of Drake made me remember when they called me an Angel.

How cute but, Jack isn't the easiest person to read. He's no open book.


Things fell awkward quickly and even though I knew everything about his family and his past, I don't really know him.

"Do you mind if we just get to know the basic things about each other? Age, birthdays, height, favorite things" I suggested.

"Sure" he smirked. "Not that I mind they look great on you but, you might wanna change out of my boxers" he laughed. My cheeks heated and I laughed along with him.

"One second"

I quickly grabbed some nice jeans, a knitted white sweater and some brown leather boots.

"Okay" I smiled, walking out the doors and down the hallway with Jack by my side.

We came to a small forest like area, the trees screaming autumn and fall.

"So..." I trailed, fumbling to find a question.

"How old are you?" I asked, sitting down at a marble bench.


"My turn, what's your favorite color?"

"Red" I answered, before I could shoot him my question he blurted "Why?"

"Well, red could mean a lot of things; love, rage, timid-ness, nervousness, danger and riskfullness. That's mainly why, I mean take Valentine's day for instance, red represents love and care. In different situations red is scary, danger, alertness. Red is blood, red is everything"

I blushed after my answer and chuckled at the irony, "See, red" I pointed to my cheeks and he chuckled.

"You're very wise for a seventeen year old" he stated.

My mind started rambling and the question I've been waiting to ask Jack sneaked in.

Should I ask him?

What if he gets offended?

Or angry?

Don't knock it, til you try it. I shrugged mentally and opened my mouth to speak.

"The other day, when I woke up, I heard you and Drake speaking. I over heard him call me an Angel. What did he mean by that? What did you mean?"

His some-what-cool demeanor vanished and his gaze hardened.

I can't keep my mouth shut can I?

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