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This time,
You don't hit the snooze button.
As you sit up and glance into your closet,
You see the symbol of being a senior.
Eight-and-a-half months flew by,
Like the blink of an eye.
It feels like just yesterday you were walking into class for the first time as a small kid in kindergarten.
You were learning the alphabet and how to count,
Now you're dawning a dress or a nice suit.
It feels like just yesterday you were learning to ride your bike,
Or walking into class on your first day as a senior.
You've walked the sane halls for four years,
Growing and becoming close with your teachers and classmates.
A few months ago,
You were taking tours of colleges you wanted to go to.
And a few weeks after that,
You received letters saying they wanted you.
You had a senior prank,
You had a senior skip day,
Three weeks ago, you took a trip with your class.
Now, you're standing there as you look at yourself in the mirror.
You've chosen a course of life,
One that isn't permanent.
You've chosen to go to Med school,
Or become a police officer,
Maybe join the military.
You become the happiest person,
Because you made it.
You made it through the countless hours of studying for your finals,
You made it through eighteen years of drama and bullying to come to this one moment.
You hear downstairs your mother calling you,
It's time.
Cap and gown in tow,
You head out the front door.
The town you have begun to call home flashes by you.
You walk into the gathering room for the graduates,
A teacher pins a flower to your gown and gives you a hug.
This was it,
The last moment as a high school senior,
The last moment the teachers would call you their students.
Suddenly, you wish that you could go back to where high school started.
You may have had heartbreaks and breakdowns,
But you don't know what's going to happen once you leave those front doors.
The teachers gather you all together and give one last goodbye and speech before they line you up.
They walk you out the doors and behind another.
Music plays through the halls and that's when you know, when you really know, you did it.
A couple hours later,
You receive your diploma and shake the hands of people you've known your whole life.
Then, it's over.
High school is over.
You feel free,
But sad.
You hang your cap and gown back up in your closet.
You take your dress or suit off,
And you look at yourself in the mirror.
And for once in your life,
You wish you could take back the wishing that it would all just fly by.
You realize that you'll miss the family atmosphere,
You realize that college won't give you a home feeling.
You realize in all your wishing,
You took everything for granted.
You didn't stop and smell the roses.
Life is all about stopping to smell the roses,
Whether it's in a good time or bad, Because once you look back on those memories and moments you spent with those you knew for your whole life,
You'll wish it all back and miss it all.
So stop and smell the roses every once in a while,
Enjoy life.
If you're in high school,
Don't wish it all away.
Cherish every moment,
Whether good or bad.

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