A Letter from Riley - The Masked Singer

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Dear Santa,

I've been good, I promise. Okay, scratch that. I've been good today, and I feel like that should be your main focus. Hopefully your definition of good somewhat resembles mine and that there's still time to make a decent impression (I want good presents), so please just hear me out.

Alex said that if I wrote this letter to you, it would make up for the horrible things I've done. I don't know how writing a letter will achieve this, but for the sake of making amends, I'm open to an array of reasonable suggestions, letters included.

But atlas, here I am, pen and paper, writing this silly letter to you.

So, dear Santa, I was good this year and here's why.

I was good with my career, if that counts? I kept my word and stuck with my gut decision through my endeavours. I followed through with deadlines and took on responsibilities while going above and beyond to ensure the best quality. I tested myself physically and emotionally, never let myself believe I couldn't do something without at least giving it a chance. I donated money to charity, gave my clothing to deserving fans and tried my hardest to respond to the people who supported me. I spent time with my family and friends, brought them presents and flew them to my concert with all expenses paid. I remembered and supported those who'd believed in me first. I was always thankful for what I had in front of me, and never yearned for more than what I could hold.

I won't delude you into thinking I was only good, because honestly, who could have missed those bold scandalous headlines about Alex and I? Not me. I was bad this year too, Santa, forgive me? I let my emotions run wild like a storm, lashing out at anyone in my way. I wasn't very nice to Ava and I took her for granted when she tried so hard to help me with my career. I let people manipulate, abuse, destroy, and mould me into whatever they wanted. I was like a robot with red vison, unable to control myself. I used people, I lied, cheated, forgot about my friend, Lucy. But worst of all, I wronged sweet pancake boy who did not deserve to be treated like that. I hurt Alex as well and betrayed their trust. I ruined a friendship because I was being selfish.

But, do you know what, Santa? I learned a lot of things too. I learnt to listen to my heart, follow my dreams and I made some amazing friends who I now consider family. I learnt to stand up for myself and to always keep fighting for what I believe in. This year I don't fit into the naughty, or nice box. I'd like my own, because this year Santa, I was me. And if that means I have to buy my own gifts this year, I better start shopping.

Yours truly,

Riley Brenton.


Coca-Cola asked me to write this letter to promote their #ShareACoke campaign which is currently running on Wattpad. Feel free to check out their official profile to read more letters posted by some of your favorite authors and characters.


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