Chapter 7.

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Danny and Adam dropped me off at work just on time, and for once my co-workers noticed a smile on my face. "Win the lottery, did you, Alice?" One them laughed.

"Something like that," I grinned.

After working the night shift, it was very late, as in 5 AM. Danny picked me up, but Adam wasn't in the car. the first thing Danny said was, "I tucked him into bed at nine-thirty, and I checked on his before I left. He's perfectly fine."

"You're too great," I smiled, pulling my hair out of the bun and shaking it out. Danny smiled and looked out the window. I laughed, "What?"

"You're the most stunning girl I've ever seen."

"You know, two weeks ago, I was convinced that the frontman of Asking Alexandria was incapable of feelings, but I guess I was wrong," I smirked. He held out his hand, and I noticed how perfectly my fingers fit between his. We arrived home just as the sun was coming up, and I let out a yawn.

I checked on Adam, who was quietly mumbling something I couldn't understand in his sleep. I gently kissed his forehead and crawled into my bed across the room, drifting off to sleep much more quickly than I usual did. Partly because I had barely slept in the passed three days, but also because I knew that everything was going to be okay.

I woke up, finding myself alone in the room. Adam had made his bed before heading downstairs, and I did the same. I found him and Danny playing with Matchbox cars on the living room floor as I walked sleepily to the kitchen. It was already almost four and I had to go to work soon.

"You know what I was thinking?" Danny said, walking into the kitchen behind me.

I poured a cup of coffee and mumbled, "What's that?"

"You should quit your job."

I almost spit coffee all over Danny. I laughed, "You're an idiot."

He gleamed, "I'm serious! You could do something better."

"And what's that?"

Danny gave me an irresistible smile, "Little Benji is looking for an assistant for his clothing line. I don't now about you, but I think that's a lot better than using a forklift and stocking shelves."

"And he offered?"

"He called me this morning," Danny nodded, taking a step closer to me.

I threw myself into his arms, "I swear, Worsnop. You're my savior."

I called my boss and told him to go fuck himself, because he could drive around that faulty forklift by himself from now on. Then I made a call to Ben and thanked him about a million times.

Later that night, Danny and I were watching a horror flick after Adam had gone to bed. He was sitting regularly, with his legs propped up on the coffee table. I was leaning up against the arm of the couch with my legs thrown over Danny's lap.

"You know what?" He laughed after a sex scene. "I have't gotten the nerve to kiss you yet."

I smiled shyly, propped myself up to kiss his cheek, and then leaned back again. I was blushing up a storm, then he looked to me and pouted, "That's all I get?"

I shrugged with a smile, and he pulled me into his lap. Inches away from my face he asked, "Do I make you nervous?"

"Not at all," I said, leaning in even closer. "Do I make you nervous?"

"Petrified," He smiled, then kissed me more passionately then I could remember Owen ever doing.

After I pulled away, I curled up and leaned against his chest. "You know what, Worsnop? I think I might be falling for you."

"Glad to know I'm not the only one," He smiled,wrapping his arms around me.


After about a month, I found out that being Ben's assistant just meant doing a whole lot of nothing. Basically, he got ideas and told me about them over the phone, I drew them and faxed them, and I was done for the day. I mean, I wasn't complaining. I was working up a cash fund to buy a new house and get a good fund going for Adam.

Every month, I'd slip $800 under Danny's pillow as rent, but I'd always find it in my bag the next day. Sneaky bastard, he wouldn't let me pay him back.

Almost three months after moving in, we were up in Danny's room watching some stupid show on MTV when I emerged from his bathroom. I leaned up against the wall and shrugged, "So are we like.. a thing?"

He got off the bed and walked over to me, pulling my body up against his. "You tell me."

"We act like one," I said, turning my head slightly. He leaned in closer, so that I could feel his breath. I continued, "Do you want me, along with all of my baggage?"

"Adam isn't baggage," he told me. Then he proceeded to lay kisses from my neck to my cheek bone. "I've never wanted anyone more in my life."

About an hour later, I stared up at the ceiling as Danny lay asleep next to me, our clothes in a pile on the floor. The funny thing was, I didn't feel guilty. I was happy for once.

Adam was happy, Danny was happy, I was happy.

We were like one happy family. It had been a while since I could say that.

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