Chapter 5.

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After the show, Danny gave Adam and I a ride home. Adam fell asleep in the backseat, happy and exhausted. I looked back at the little smile on his face as he leaned on the car door. Another tear slipped from my eye. Danny put his hand on my knee, "Are you okay?"

"I'm great," I smiled, wiping my face with my sleeve.

He chuckled, "Then why do you keep crying?"

"It's just that I haven't seen Adam that happy since his dad was around. He doesn't remember Owen very much, but I remember how they were together. You know?"

"Well, not really, but I can imagine," He said. I looked down at my knee, where Danny's hand was still resting. He smiled and pulled away, "Oh, sorry."

"Don't be," I smiled, looking down at my hands.

I hadn't had a crush for a man since Owen, seven years ago. It took me a bit to realize that I was actually developing feelings for Danny. It was weird, because I was getting butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stop smiling.

When we pulled up to my house, I opened the car door and stepped out, as did Danny. He smiled, "I'll get the little one."

I unlocked the door and Danny followed me in, gently carrying sleeping Adam in his arms. "I'll lay him down in his room," Danny said quietly.

When he returned to the kitchen, he rubbed his hands together, "I guess I'll head out."

"Wait," I said, pointing to the fridge. "Can I offer you a drink?"

Danny and I sat on my couch, drinking beer and watching That 70's Show. He put his arm around me and I couldn't say that I minded. Soon after, I fell asleep.

I don't know what time it is, but I woke up to Danny nudging me. "Alice, do you smell that?"

"Hm?" I said, not opening my eyes.

"What's that smell?"

Just as Danny stood up, there was a crashing and a booming sound, and everything got hot. My kitchen burst into flames. I jumped up off the couch. Not missing a beat, Danny darted down the hallway, "Get out of the house, I'll get Adam!"

I couldn't get out of the house, I had to get to the hall closet. I ran towards it, hearing Danny call out, "What the fuck are you doing? Go!" I didn't go. I dug through the closet, finding the box that contained all of my pictures of Owen, Adam, and I.

Danny grabbed me and swooped me up with one arm, Adam safely in the other, who was holding Lucy tight in his arms. I clutched the box to my chest as he ran past the flames and out the door. Just after we made it out the door, you could hear another explosion and the house blew up in flames. Fire escaped the windows, the door, and even the roof.

I dropped to my knees, wrapping clueless Adam in my arms and sobbing. Lucy sat at Adam's feet, panting and barking at the flames. Danny put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me as I cried. I just lost everything. All Adam's clothes, all my clothes, everything I had fought to afford was gone. All I had was Adam and a box of broken memories.

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