Chapter 1

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"Y/N! Watch out!" You hear Dean yell as the vampire placed his sharp, protruding fangs near your neck. With your hunter instincts, you had sensed the fact that the Vampire was near. However, you were just waiting for the right time to strike, but your opportunity had passed you by.

As the Vampire held you defenseless, you could see the white of his eyes disappear in shock before his head slowly rolled off of his shoulders. A breathless Sam stood behind the body, wielding a bloody machete.

"Thanks." You said, before glancing around the dilapidated house. Five or six bodies littered the floor, pools of blood where their heads had once been. Only you, Sam and Dean were standing, all three of you covered in blood and gore.

Grabbing the duffel bag from the floor, you made your way out the door, ready to head back to the seedy motel. You were definitely calling dibs on the shower first.

Sam and Dean followed behind, both giving you curious glances that you couldn't help but notice. You knew all their looks, you had been hunting with them for ten years, but you had been friends much longer. Your dad had been military buddies with theirs, and John had recruited your Dad into hunting once your mom had died.

Ignoring the silent conversation Sam and Dean were having, you crawled into the backseat, moaning when your shoulder bumped the seat. You had let the stupid vampire get the best of you, and now you were paying for it.

It wasn't the first time you had let a monster get the best of you. Without the help of Sam and Dean, you would be dead by now. Knowing how close you had just come once again to death, you were curious about the fact that you felt nothing. It was like your emotions had been turned off. 

While you were pondering your maudlin thoughts, Dean had maneuvered the Impala into the small parking lot of the one story motel, the Lazy Bird Inn. What used to be a Robins egg blue door, was now chipped and peeling, the number 23 crooked and one door slam away from falling off.

Leading the boys into the room, you dumped the weapons bag on the table before grabbing your clothing bag and heading straight towards the bathroom.

"Y/N, wait." Dean exclaimed from behind you, his voice full of concern. Concern you didn't want to think about.

Knowing they would want to talk about your lapse during the hunt, you kept moving towards the bathroom, commenting over your shoulder. "Later Dean, I really need a shower first."

Dean didn't try to stop you, leaving you to shut the door behind you in relief.  Quickly and painfully, you pulled off your long sleeved t-shirt, wincing at the purple that was already covering your shoulder.


Stepping out of the shower, you wrapped the small, faded towel around your body, feeling much better after the time spent in the warm water. As you started to towel dried your hair, you could hear the Winchester brothers deep in conversation. Frowning, you stepped closer to the door when you heard your name.

"Sam, I know your closer to Y/N than I am, but man I'm telling you, something doesn't seem right."

You strained to hear Sam's reply, because what Dean said was true. Sam was closer to your age, and the two of you were close friends.

"I've been worried too Dean. I don't know what it is, but I was hoping she would talk to me about it."

You heard the fridge open and close, before Deans deep, whiskey smooth voice sounded through the door. "So, do we just ignore it, hope she talks to you?"

Sams voice came again, this time much closer to the bathroom. "I think we should get Cas down here. I know Y/N has a thing for him, maybe she will talk to him. I'm afraid if we don't do something, it will end bad."

Not wanting to hear any more of their conversation, you stepped away from the door, changing into a simple outfit of shorts and a tank top, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep for the next twelve hours or so.

Walking back out into the main room, you saw Dean must have already prayed to Cas, because he was there, standing there awkwardly in front of the beds. Sam and Dean were nowhere to be found.

Flustered, you threw your stuff back into your duffel bag, using more force than necessary. Frustrated that Sam and Dean called in Cas to help you, using your feelings against you. If Cas turned those beautiful blue eyes in your direction, you might end up breaking down, and telling him everything. Except, you weren't sure exactly what was going on, and even if you did, you weren't sure you could put it in words.

Stuck inside your thoughts, you didn't notice that Cas had moved closer to you, now standing close enough the sleeve of his tan trench coat brushed against the bare skin of your arm.

Taking a deep breath, you delayed the questions you knew were coming, by asking one of your own. "Where did Sam and Dean take off to?"

You still hadn't turned to face Cas, so you missed the way his eyes darkened, and his jaw tightened, knowing that you were trying to act as if everything was normal.

"They went to the bar." He simply answered, and you brushed past him, deciding to get a beer of your own. Before you could make it to the fridge, Cas reached out and gently grabbed you by the arm.

"Y/N." Was all he said, but it was enough. You raised your gaze to meet his, hating the look of compassion that was shining bright in his blue eyes. The last thing you wanted was compassion, you weren't sure how to handle it.

"Cas let me go, I'm getting a beer." You muttered through your teeth, using anger to hide the unfamiliar emotions running through your system.

His hand released your arm, and you quickly grabbed a beer, gulping half of it down in one shot. Cas waited patiently until the bottle left your lips before trying again. "Y/N, Sam and Dean are worried about you. I'm worried about you. How can I help?"

You brushed off his concern, laughing to hide the fact that it warmed your heart that he cared about you. You weren't sure if it was because you were with the Winchesters, or because he really cared for you, but either way it made you feel good. And you hadn't felt good in a long time.

"Cas, really, the boys are just being their usual over protective self. I'm fine, I've just been unlucky lately. That's it!" You defended yourself.

Cas cocked his had to the side, and you swore he was looking straight into your soul. Trying not to fidgit, you returned his stare, trying to show him, that you were in fact okay. In your heart you knew you weren't okay, but you weren't ready for him to see that.

After what seemed like hours, but was in fact only seconds, Cas looked away, and you could breathe normally again. You put the beer bottle down, before climbing onto the bed, deciding to call it a night.

Ignoring Cas, you pulled the covers up to your chin, and closed your eyes. Sleep had been elusive lately, and you hoped that you could get a good night's sleep while Sam and Dean were gone. As your mind drifted, you heard the couch creak as Cas sat down.

"Well, if your fine, than you won't mind if I stay with you guys on the next couple of hunts, will you?" Cas said, and your eyes opened, freaking out at the thought that your precious angel would be there 24/7, watching your every move.

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