Chapter 7: Identities revealed

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Warning: Lots of BADASS-ERY  in this chapter. To epic for the average mind... or at least just alot of harsh language, guns and a** kickin'. Enjoy :)

-InsanelyRandom <3

Amber Pov

"Ok we're here." we drove a few blocks from the bachelor club to an abandoned apartment complex.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Harry questioned as we got out of the car. I pulled up the trunk and pulled out 2 hand guns and stuck them on either side of my belt.

"How did you know that was in truck?"

"Bro, I've been around weapons so much, I can practically smell them from a mile away. And judging that these haven't been touched, you had no idea they were in there." I saw them exchange glances between each other stupidly as I handed them guns. " Typical amateurs. I expected more from you Louis."

"Hey, what about me?"

"I surprised you lived this long to be honest." we headed into the lobby of the apartment. I looked up to see that we had a few flights of stairs to walk up.

"What do you mean you're surprised I lived?"

"Oh, they said they'd kill the curly-haired one and the girl so I'm guessing that's you. And you better be lucky you surrendered or you'd have a hole in your skull." I saw from the corner of my eye, Harry feeling the middle of his forehead with a disgusted expression.

Louis was holding in his laughter as we continued to walk up the winding steps.

"So, why didn't they kill you?"

"Well, from what you guys showed. They thought you were too stupid to look in a closet so they thought i would rot from being in there too long. Seriously, you'd think these guys would be smart."

"How many more floors do we have to climb?" louis whined as we continued to walk up.

"6 more flights."

I heard them both groaned in unison as we continued up the stairs. I don't know why but, I could feel a heated glare directly to my bum. It was either Harry or louis.

Louis has had a crush on me for the longest time and I barely know Harry but they both seem like the pervy type anyway.

Either way, dating is prohibited. 


Chelsea Pov

"Take off my blindfold and face me like a man!!"

"I don't think so sweetheart-" I heard the man stop eruptly at the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. "Shit."

"Oh, I wonder who that could be. The police I suppose?" i said matter of factly. His groan indicated that it pissed him off.

"Shut your trap bitch!" he snapped as I felt the chair being sat upright. I was partially untied so I could actually slip out of the rope.

I heard him walk toward the door probably to get a better clarity of the noise outside of the door. I carefully slipped out of the rope and stood up. I took off my blindfold and picked up the nearest gun and pointed it at him.

"Freeze motherfucker."

"Excuse-" he turned halfway before he froze in his tracks. He was wearing a mask, the only distinct feature I saw clearly was his jet black hair. His jaw tightened as he rose his hands in defense.

"Move another muscle and I will blow  your brains out."

"Do it then."

Those cold yet simple word left me perplexed.

"Exactly. You're too scared." his plump lips stretching into a grin through the mouth hole in the mask. I crept closer and pressed the gun in his back.

"I'm not gonna kill you... yet."

"Oh, thanks." he said sarcastically loosing up a little.

"But after I get the information I need, then I'll me happy to kill you." I pulled open the door making Harry and louis fall face-first on the carpet.

Amber spun quick around the corner and pointed both of her hand guns at us. She scanned the room as well as me and the masked moron, and put her guns back in her belt.

"I told her she'd be here." Harry and Louis collected themselves off the floor and waved at me.

"Anyways, who's this asshole?" she said bluntly. She sized him as if he was a dirty piece of shit scraped on her shoe.

"I can hear you, you know?"

"That was the point, asshole."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" within a millisecond, Amber pressed her gun to his temple and gave him a death glare, " Another outburst like that and I'll murder you." I couldn't make out the other word she said but I'm pretty sure she was elaborating on his death in Russian.

His face seemed to stiffen and fade of when she finished.

"Um, hey guys I think we should go." I suggested as Amber put her gun in her belt, she kept her eyes on him the entire time.

"Yea, it's late and we need to find a place to crash." Louis said as he yawned.

"I guess... we'll go to my place."

"What are we going to do with him?" I asked out of curiosity. "I mean we can't just leave him here."

"He's coming too." she moved in closer to him, "But, if you try any shit, I'll kill you."

Damn, she was fucking harsh, then again she was always like that.

Amber Pov

"Alright, so I've only got three rooms, so Harry and Louis are together in a room, Chelsea you have your own room and that thing sleeps with me."

"Hey!" the boy imposed, " I'm not a thing ok?"

"Ok, then take off the mask."


"THAT'S IT! WHO ARE YOU!" I ran and tackled the boy where he stood. I put him into a headlock and proceeded to tug on the edge of mask ,pulling it all the way off.

That little bitch.


Hey, guise. I hope you love my lovely cliffhangers. Did i mention, the girls in this book are BADASSES!? Anyways, vote, comment, and share with your friends and your lovely nieghborhood unicorn and what not. I hope you liked Chapter 7 :) Suggestions are appreciated as well.

-Amber aka. InsanelyRandom <3

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