Sweet Like Cotton Candy (Teen Top~Chunji Oneshot)

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Just graduated woot woot! High School here I come. Enjoy the story.

(Y/N) POV-

*Thu-thump. Thu-thump.*

The sound of his steady heartbeat was music to my ears. I lay on his chest, in this open field, not saying a word. That's what true love is. We don't have to speak to each other to be happy. Just simply knowing of each other's presence is enough. He began to stroke the side of my face with his soft, smooth thumb. I looked up at him to see that he was gazing at the sky.

His soft blond hair swayed peacefully in the breeze. I watched his pearly whites come into display as a red bird flew above us. As his mouth smiled, his eyes did the same. Finally, he turned his gaze to look at me with his brown orbs. He looked at me with kindness and content.

"Yah, (Y/N)-ah, can I ask you something?" he said as he kept his gaze on me strong, yet subtle.

"Hmm?"  I hummed in response, awaiting his question.

"Since when did you become so beautiful?" he asked me with a smile.

"Forever. Wae, you didn't know?" I answered him. He chuckled and then scrunched up his face.

"Really? You weren't looking too great yesterday..." he said while scratching the back of his head.

"Chunji!!" you complained and lightly hit him. He started laughing and trying to block your attacks.

"Mianhe. I was only kidding. There isn't a moment when you're not beautiful." he stated while looking deep into my eyes. I felt warm and fuzzy. His words were sweet like cotton candy as they wandered around in my mind.

"Yah." he said as he turned over to hold me to the ground. I looked up at him as he gently pushed the hair awayfrom my face.

He leaned down and kissed me, then looked back at me with a surprised expression.

"Mwo?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. It's just that you taste sweet like cotton candy!" he said as we both broke out into laughter and enjoyed the rest of our beautiful day.


I know I haven't updated in a while, ahah sorry about that, but here you go. Hope you enjoyed. Read, comment, vote and fan. 


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