An Elephant Never Forgets (Big Bang~TOP Oneshot)

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Hey everyone, this is the first oneshot for this series, there will be another author's note at the end, so enjoy


"Oppa! Oppa, wait for me!" you yell out to him, but it seems to fall on deaf ears, because he doesn't even turn around to look at you. "Yah! You're ears are so big Dumbo! I know you can hear me!" you yell again, but he just keeps on going. You run as fast as you can with your short, little 5 year old legs, but it's no use. You're no match for a speeding car. Eventually you stand in the middle of the dirt road, dust all over your pretty, floral print dress your mother had just gotten you. You watch as the car with your best friend, the guy who always played house with you, made play dough spaghetti with you, beat up bullies for you, and called you pabo for no reason, makes a turn and is no longer in sight. You fall to your knees and begin to cry, why? Why would he leave without you?

~End of Flashback~

(Y/N) POV-

"AAAAHHHH!" Huh? I'm in bed? Ughh, it was that dream again wasn't it? Why can't I just forget about Seung Hyunie oppa already? How long has it been? 11 years almost? And I haven't thought of him a single time until these past few days. Something is wrong...

"Ahhahh, c'mon (Y/N), you have no time to investigate. Get ready for school." I scolded myself aloud as I packed my schoolbag and headed out the door.

As I reached the school building I stopped a few times to respond to the hello's and good morning's I was receiving. Once I finally got inside, I went to my locker, retrieved my textbook, and headed to class. I took my normal seat and people started to fill in the seats near me as we all engaged in small talk,

I was honestly thinking about my dream that I've been having lately, so I couldn't really have a real conversation with the people around me.

"Alright students settle down and find your seats, today we have a new student who will be with us for the rest of the year. Please be kind to him, and help him feel at home in our school quickly." said the teacher.

You could hear all the little inaudible conversations that the other students were having once the teacher started talking about a new boy. Before we knew it, a tall guy walked into the classroom. The girls shrieked and whistled at him as he came in, but his facial expression didn't change, it was still blank, empty. He had burnt orange hair, a NYC grey t shirt with a black long sleeve shirt underneath, dark blue Calvin Klein jeans and brown shoes. He was a sight to see and he seemed.... familiar? He had a deep voice that flowed smoothly out of his mouth like melted caramel.

"Hello, I am Choi Seung Hyun. I am glad to be here and I hope that you will all take good care of me."

Wait, Choi Seung Hyun? Seung Hyunie oppa? I stared at him intently, staring in disbelief, until he noticed and stared back at me too.

"Ah, do you two know each other?" the teacher asked him curiously.

Just as he was about to answer him, memories of when he drove off in that car and left me all alone rushed back into my mind, and I became swelled with anger and frustration.

"No, We've never seen each other before in our lives." I stated coldly with a little too much venom in my words than I intended to put there. Everyone's heads shot back to look at me, meanwhile Seung Hyun's pointed towards the floor. He was biting his bottom lip angrily and balling his hands up into fists, as if desperately trying to stop himself from yelling. In one swift moment he came over to my desk, grabbed my arm, and stormed out of the classroom, dragging me behind him.

"HEY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA YOU JERKWAD?!" I asked, knowing that I wasn't going to get an answer. After turning about 5 maybe 6 corners, he finally turned me around so that I would be facing him. He pinned my wrists to the wall as his brown orbs looked into my eyes. They were filled with pain, sorrow, guilt, and tears. The sight of him being so upset made all of my anger disappear; it was now replaced with emptiness, and a sense of betrayal.

"What?" I finally spit out after a moment of silence.

"Do you really not know me?" he said with pain in his wavering voice.

"I do, but I don't want to, so leave me alone." and with that I tried to release myself from his grasp but he just tightened his hands on my wrists and looked deep into my eyes.

"Why? Why don't you want to know me? What did I ever do to you?"

"WHAT?! What do you mean? You left me alone, all by myself, without even saying goodbye! I mean what kind of best friend pulls that kind of stuff?!" I screamed practically at the top of my lungs.

"SHUT UP!" he demanded. I was quiet, I was shocked.

"Do you honestly think I wanted to leave you? I would never, in a million years, ever want to be anywhere than right by your side. I love you (Y/N). I've loved you ever since we were small. Everything about you. The way you call my name, how you'd always make fun of my big ears, the little floral dresses you would always wear to come see me. There's nothing about you that I couldn't love. And it broke my heart into a million pieces to hear you say that you didn't know me. (Y/N) I didn't turn around to look at you while I was in the car, because I would've started crying, I needed to show you that I would be okay. I figured you'd do better in the future if you were mad at me, not worrying about me. So please, I'm sorry..." he said, his thoughts trailing off somewhere near the end.


He stood there waiting desperately for your answer. You broke free from his now weak and unfocused grasp and ran into him, wrapping your arms around his back tightly, and sobbing tears of joy, sadness, and relief into his chest. He sighed a sigh of relief and held on to you tightly by your waist. He stroked your soft hair waiting quietly for your sobbing to cease. Once it did he pulled you out of his chest and connected your foreheads, you smiled as a blush crept across your cheeks, staring at your handsome oppa.

"I'm here for you now (Y/N) and I will never leave you again..... pabo." he said the last word as a grin spread across his face.

"Aniya! How'd you remember?" a small feeling of embarrassment showed on your face.

"An elephant never forgets." and with that he leaned in and gently placed his lips upon yours.


So how'd you guys like my first oneshot for the series? Long I know, lol sorry. But, if you want a oneshot, then just comment on my latest chapter or part for this series and I will get back to you. Read, vote, comment, and fan


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