Apple Of My Eye (3)

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Hey guys! I've been a lazy butt-butt :3!

I'm planing on making a story based on my true life.

It's gonna be called Carved Into My Wrists Forever after the carved scars in my wrists.

Okay, I also would appreciate any help with my stories. I'm really not that talented so, please.

;3 I will dedicate you *winkwink*



[Chapter 3]

[Desseray's POV]

I lied down on my bed and sighed. I thought endlessly about the night I spent with Ashton. It had been a few days since I had seen him. No one had really seen much from him. He hadn't been texting anyone or had any contact with any of his friends or family. I was worried. I personally am a person that worried easily. I constantly would try to grab hold of him. Text, he wouldn't answer. Calls, it would go directly to his answering machine. Messages on Facebook, not a thing. It devastated me. I just didn't know what to do. I looked over at my clock. It was 7:45. "Shit!" I yelled out and quickly got ready. I skipped breakfast and bolted out the door. I turned on my iPod and kept walking. I listened to P.L.U.R by Blood On The Dance Floor. It was my song. I listened to it a lot. I got to school just in time. I spotted Ashton half way to class. I ran to him. I began to freak. "Ash! Where have you been?!  What the hell! Why the f--" He shut me up with his lips. I gasped in surprise. He grabbed my face. "I can explain later. Right now, class." He said, pointing to the other side of the hallway. I smiled. "Okay." I said briefly before booking to class. I quickly grabbed my spot and sat down. I pulled out my book and dropped it onto my desk. It shot back into my brain that Ashton sat beside me. I saw him walking into the class. Mrs. McKay stood there, hands on her waist as she stared at him. "Mr. Rivers, your three minutes late." She huffed. "And you've been absent for a while. Maybe your partner in crime--" She looked at me, smiling. "Can help you catch up." Ashton frowned then laughed. "I'm sorry, Mrs. McKay. And I've already gone over all this with Principle Wiens." A few people giggled as he said the principle's name. She grinned at him and nodded. "Okay, sit down. So I don't have to be expecting you to be handing in minimum requirements from you?" She laughed. He sat down and shook his head. Mrs. McKay can be very nice but is strict with work value. He looked at me and smiled. I barely noticed because I saw it from the corner of my eye. Soon the work began to start.

*    *   *   *   *   *

The day had passed by ever so slowly. "Your parents, are they still on vacation?" I asked Ashton as we walked out of the school at 2:20. Dismissal time. He nodded. "Mine are at a party then a business meeting up in Port Alberni until 5pm tomorrow. So you wanna sleep over? I don't feel like being alone for two days. Tomorrow would be Saturday. My favorite day of the week. It was usually the only day I could wake up whenever AND sleep whenever. He laughed and grabbed my face. He kissed my forehead lightly. "Of course! My pleasure!" He giggled. "Can we stop by my house first to grab some stuff?" He asked quickly. I nodded and followed him along. He lived on Ford Rd in a complex that looked 10 times better than mine. At least there weren't drug dealers everywhere. Or so it didn't seem. It looked, sounded and smelled like a clean and quiet place. The houses were quite large. He grabbed his keys that were in his right pocket. He was wearing silky black skinny jeans. They were so tight that you could see basically every little detail on his legs. It didn't seem to bother him at all whatsoever. We stopped at a house. Number 17. He unlocked the door and kept it open then softly pushed me inside. I entered without hesitation. He walked in behind me and turned to close the door. I gasped. "Wow!" I somewhat screeched. It looked like a mini-mansion! It was so... luxurious. He smiled. "Amazing, isin't it. Come with me." He waved as he walked up the stairs. I followed him. He opened the door to his room. The walls were all black. He had a large bed and a desk cluttered with stuff. He had a few posters on each wall. He had a light beige dresser. His room was about 2x the size of mine. He began to shove clothes into his bag. I stood there and waited. "Sit~!" He suggested as he pointed to his bed. I obeyed and sat down on it and continued to wait. "Done!" Ashton announced. He sat down beside me and kissed my cheek. "We can go now, if you'd like. Or we can stay here for a while." I kissed him back. And shrugged. "Let's go~!" I decided after two minutes. He led me downstairs and we made our way to my house.

[Ashton's POV]

We finally arrived at Dess's house. She opened the door. It felt so empty inside. Where was her brother? If he wasn't here, it would be a lot easier. My brain began to go nuts. This had been the first day I saw her since the last day at her house. I had been in the hospital, but I really didn't plan on telling her. Or anyone. Not even my parents. They would be home in 4 days. I just really hoped they wouldn't find out what happened. I was surprised that I was still alive. I held onto her hand. I felt like bursting into tears and just telling her what happened. But I knew I couldn't and shouldn't. It would worry her. That was the last thing I wanted. She sat me down on the couch. "So why where you gone?" She asked curiously as she sat down beside me. "Uh... That doesn't matter." I said, shakily. She opened her mouth to speak but I pushed her so that she was lying down on the couch. I sprawled myself on top of her and planted my lips quickly onto hers. I made sure to keep the kiss passionate so she would think of it, not the question.

*   *   *   *   *   *

It was 1:39 AM. I yawned. "Can we go to bed? I am seriously tired." She whispered. I nodded. "Okay." I confirmed. I took my shirt off, not thinking. I right away regretted it. Dessy gasped and ran towards me. Her fingers traced the bullet wound on the left side of my chest. She looked up at me with an expression that looked like both disappointment, curiosity, sorrow and anger. "Who did this to you? What happened?" She began to throw questions at me. She stopped and whispered "Is this why you weren't here for days?" I swallowed hard. I sighed. I had to tell her at some point. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to know. When I left from your house last time, I started to walk home. Suddenly I got surrounded... by these guys. They noticed I had been with you. I wasn't quite sure who they were. The kept hissing at me "Back off of her!" over and over again. I yelled "No! Who are you? Why should I back off of her?!" It was the worst mistake of my life. One guy came behind me and kicked me in the back. I fell to the ground. I tried to get up but another three kept me down with their feet. Another began to kick me in the face. They laughed as they tortured me. Suddenly all went quiet. The guy who looked like the main man pulled out a gun. He pointed it at my chest and fired. It had just missed my heart. They then left me there, lying on the sidewalk bleeding to my death. Soon someone drove by but saw me. They stopped and came to my aid. But soon after they came, I passed out. So I don't really know what happened after. I woke up in a hospital bed. They began to do surgeries on me over a course of three days. After that I had to stay another few days to recover. Now here I am. I still have to take pills for pain. I have the occasional anxiety attack. When my pills wear off it feels like I'm in a fire in hell. That's what happened. And obviously, that is why I'e been gone." I panted as I barely breathed during my 'story'. She gasped and ran her hand down my chest. "This is my fault!" She cried out. I shook my head. "No it isin't. It's no-one's fault. Really, it was those dudes' faults." I reassured her. I lied down on the bed and patted beside me. "Lie down." I whispered, smiling. She lied down beside me and snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arms around her. The warmth of her body made me lose all sense of pain. She made me feel like I was in pure paradise. I smiled and buried my face in the crook of her neck. "Good night, Desseray."


Short! I know! But god, I went on writers block! I'm working on making longer chapters.

;3 Hope you like!

Comment, Vote, and all dem other stuff :D

I also might want to change the cover for this book.

I might start writing my new book tomorrow once I find a temporary cover until someone makes one for me or I get the one I made onto my computer. But I lost my camera cable so :/ Idk. Whichever comes first!

-- Love, Kat :P

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