Today's random shit!

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My day had started from crap to deep shit.

But who even cares?

It was just me, one nobody soul and a waste of space.

Who is clingy and a slut for some crumb of attention.

From the moment sun rises, I knew everything will go wrong.

As the clock went by, chaos was progressing.

Then 9 o'clock came.

Disasters were advancing.

An hour of shit never ends there.

The whole enchilada haven't even arrived yet.

And my day just as right as dead.

I wanted to vanish and escape to my happy place.

Music was trying to calm me down.

But the rambling in my head were too loud.

I want to scream to shut them up.

But too late, the ice cream had arrived.

< If this was any indication maybe it's true I'm suffering> 

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