Chapter 33: Trueth - Witching Hour Part 1

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Trueth only woke up when the morning sunshine tickled her nose. Next, she felt the pressure of paws and wondered how rays could possible be walking all over her. She thought 'Blondie!', opened her eyes and had her chin licked by a mile of floppy pink tongue darting from a black furry face. Not a cat. A small dog. Her canine alarm clock then bounced over the duvet and shot through a door Trueth was sure to have shut, but maybe not locked, last night.

An hour later and fortified with a full English breakfast (with an extra helping of crispy bacon) Seisi and Trueth once more set out in the peaceful countryside, this time in pursuit of a witch. Or witches plural. It was still not clear how many people would show up for the meeting.

Seisi stopped and pointed at the oddly shaped rocks peeping over the bushes on the side of the path.

'We still have some time, I presume? Metjen has asked me to conduct an experiment for him.'

Trueth played with the strap of her watch to gain time before responding. 'What does he want now? You have already checked, and I'm not supposed to be over there.'

'Wait for me, it will not take long.' With his long legs he took the mound with two strides and disappeared down the other side.

She followed but dutifully waited on top of the bank from where she had a good view of the ancient sanctuary. Seisi was dashing through the middle of the circle like a Border Collie with a mission. The small dog had joined him and was cavorting around, barking and nipping playfully at Seisi's heels.  The rugged boulders framed their antics, they appeared harmless enough; weather worn testimonials left behind by a long-gone era. So why was she feeling uneasy? Down in the circle, Seisi stopped in his tracks, his hands weaving invisible sign language into the air. He whirled around abruptly and ran back to her.

'I followed the figure Metjen mind-showed me. And suddenly there was a wisp of power that had not been there before. He told me not to complete what I was doing, but I was almost finished anyway.'

'What figure would that be?' Trueth asked and the next moment a pentagram showed in her thoughts. What else had she expected?

'What's this supposed to be in aid of?' She asked, and Metjen whisked into her mind.

I needed to know whether there was any residue of power left in those stones. It appears there is. This place here definitely once was a portal. But it is heavily protected from within. I'm surprised Seisi could charge the frigging thing that easily.

Seisi paced the soggy grass on top of the embankment. I felt—welcome.

Charged? Are you guys loco? Shut this down! Panic welled up from her stomach, forcing her to speak out loud. 'Why didn't you check last time you were here?'

Trueth felt a relaxing wave flow through her mind. Metjen mind-spoke again, his voice deeper and slower than before. The stones cannot swallow you! I'm draining the power already, and all is well! His normal voice came back. I could not check before. I would not have noticed anything. As long as you stay out of the circle, you're safe, okay?

Trueth drew a deep breath, before she could say anything, Seisi intervened. Could this be the handiwork of the demons?

No sign of them anywhere. Just wait until we find the walking stick. Then I'm sure they will turn up. Metjen's voice sounded annoyed.

Seisi pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and stared into the boulder-sprinkled circle. So you haven't found anything?

Francis gave dad a carte blanche for the search, but he found zilch. Dad says we only have one last chance. He hopes that the stick is among the pieces the Earl of Carnarvon took for himself. We're going to Highclere Castle.

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