Chapter 3 - Seisi: Swimming Lessons

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Seisi woke with a start. Not in his bed, as he had expected; instead he was floating face up among a clump of papyrus plants clinging to the banks of the Nile. It could only be the Nile, judging from the marshy reek that assaulted his nostrils. Only the great river would smell like that. Face up was also a lot better for his continued existence than face down, so all facts considered, he was doing reasonably well.

Nearby, something screeched, rustled-and before his heart had had time to skip a beat, a grey heron flapped towards the morning skies.

Seisi sat up and shook himself. Droplets flew in all directions. His situation was most unusual, for sure. What in the name of the Lord Ra had he been doing?

He could not have been frolicking in the life-bringing waters of the great river while the sun was journeying through the underworld? Whatever it was he had been engaged in, much of said water seemed to have flowed towards the great sea in the north while he had been caught in the lands of Nepthys, the goddess of sleep. The skin on his extremities must have been submerged for a long time, it resembled the shrivelled hide of a bleached hippopotamus. Seisi considered this state of affairs and found it to be most bizarre.

A dull pain between his shoulder blades reminded him that he must also have been exercising as of lately. If only he could remember where. And why.

With a glup, an eye appeared above the surface of the water. Seisi froze. The pupil contracted and more of the dark warty hide it was attached to appeared atop the water line.

For some reason, the voice of the professor echoed in his mind. 'The Nile crocodile is an apex predator, capable of taking a wide array of African vertebrates, including large ungulates and fellow predators.'

Ungulates he knew not, but predators he was familiar with. Or other victims, like foolish priests engaged in nocturnal swimming endeavours, the reason for which still escaped his dulled brain.

With great caution, Seisi extended his hand to where his necklace carrying the precious amulets was supposed to be-and fortunately still was.

The pupil contracted further, only a slit remained, which slowly shifted in his direction.

Theoretically he should be able to weave a spell on the animal by drawing his sun-flow, but given the hazy state of his mind he did not wish to take any risks. He also had not exercised too many spells lately. Had not exercised his skills much at all if he was honest.

Seisi ripped off the amulet that stored the divine power and invoked the Arms of Nepthys at the top of his lungs. The eye closed, and a lot more apex predator rose to the surface; there it gently bobbed on the ripples caused by the current.

Seisi drew a deep breath, stood and scanned his environment. No habitation in the vicinity, just reeds, more papyrus plants and the plate sized leaves of wild water-lilies. The sun disk must have risen not long before, yet it was already burning its mark into the freshness of the morning and the fragrant flower heads were closing.

What in the name of the Lord Ra was he doing here? Behind him, his sole companion had started snoring.

Shifting to an upright position had strained the muscles of Seisi's back even further-if it was the movement that was paining him. Seisi gingerly touched the part between his shoulder blades he could reach-and snatched his hand away. The touch had hurt like the bite of a crocodile, and he had felt blisters. Something had burned him. Something...or somebody... .

His memories exploded in his brain with a flash.

Imhotep had sent him to stalk the dark ones and establish what their plans he might be. He had followed those they had suspected and had learned they would be meeting near the abandoned shrine of Nefertem, the God of Beauty and the lotus flower. He had hidden in the temple ruins, and good fortune had smiled on his path. If it could be called good fortune, given that four had come to scheme. Iseret had spoken only of three dark priests having vanquished the protective spells of the portal. Were the dark ones amassing followers already?

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