One Last Jump

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Three words: she did it. *beams*

Tyler meets Tyler, and it gets emotional. Jenny's gotten half of her promise finished, and all that's left is getting back home. She's certainly up to the challenge. ;)

Let's see what happens when the Apocalypse's sister meets the Apocalypse's daughter! Keep the comments coming!


"Rose! Oh, Rose!"

When Rose transported back to her world, her knees buckled underneath her, and she sank to the floor, her hands over her mouth, wanting to scream. "Rose!" Mickey ran to her, but Rose closed her eyes and shook her head, silently telling him to stay away. "Rose, what's wrong?"

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Jackie ran up to her.

"She died," Rose finally choked out the words.

"Who died, love?"

"Caly!" Rose sobbed into her mother's shoulder. "She died, and everything . . . Mum, it was horrible!"

"Oh, my God," Mickey's eyes widened. Even if he didn't like the Apocalypse, her death . . . would have destroyed everything.

Rose just nodded, unable to stop the tears streaming down her face. "Mum, I don't know what to do," she sniffed, pulling back, eyes red. "I can't see another universe like that."

"Then stop firing the cannon," Mickey suggested.

"Mickey, it is killing her to stay here," Pete argued. "Can't you see her?"

Rose bit her lip, blushing, as she was very much aware what her father meant by that. She'd put so much effort into jumping from world to world, she had barely stopped for sleep and for food. She was well aware that she was skinnier than she'd ever been before, that the color was gone from her face, that her eyes seemed permanently red. She had said before that she would find her sister again if it was the last thing she did, even if it killed her.

Now, it seemed more than likely that it really would.

"Sir?" one of the security guards came in, his face set hard. "We have a problem."

"What is it?" Pete turned with a frown.

"We found an intruder in the lab, sir. She hacked into the server with no difficulty. She touched on a few places, but she spent the most time on the dimension cannon."

Pete stiffened. "The cannon is locked so only my family and most trusted employees can access it."

"I am aware of that, sir. That is why they're bringing her here now. Her guns and knives have been confiscated."

"She came here looking for a fight?"

"She looked like she was prepared for one, sir. She surrendered with no hesitation, though."

"All right, then. Bring her in."

The guard left, and soon returned with a full squad of twelve. Between them, hands free because of her cooperation, was a young blonde woman, her hair in a high ponytail, wearing a dark olive green T-shirt, black cargo pants, brown army boots, and sparkling sugar brown eyes. She was also bouncing around like she wanted to move and couldn't stay still. "What's your name?" Pete asked with a frown. Of all intruders, he was not expecting someone like this.

"Jenny, sir," she answered, tilting her head.

"Last name?"

"I don't have one."

"You don't have one," he repeated dubiously.

"Well, Mum doesn't have one," Jenny shrugged. "Although, my uncle was a Saxon."

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