chapter 2: response

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                                                                           Stella's POV

It was about three in the morning when I woke up to the sound  of my computer playing 'Cruise' by Florida Georgia Line. It's my favorite song, so I decided to set it as my sound whenever I get a new email.

The email was a response from Des. At first I wondered why he sent it so early, but then I remembered the time difference. I couldn't wait to see Des's response! I hurriedly opened up the message and started reading. 

"Dear Stella,

Of course I remember you! How could I forget such a pretty face.I really want to meet up with Adeline and you too. FYI of course I remember Adeline! She is my daughter. I tried to get in touch, but you had changed all of your contact information. I've been imagining ever since I left what Adeline's like. I regret leaving you  two and just running off like that. It was very childish of me and I apologise. I'd love to meet up some time, but I don't know when I'd have the time to. You two can always meet Harry though if you want. He'll be in America this summer on tour, and you can meet him and the rest of the lads. Even though we can't meet in person any time soon, maybe we could skype, or something like that! 

Hope to talk to you soon,

Des Styles"

I read the email imagining Des reading it in his British  accent. 

I was a little disappointed that we couldn't see Des in person, but I was exited to meet Harry and the rest of the band. Adeline has told me so many wonderful things about the boys, and I know she'd love to meet One Direction in person. 

After a few more emails back and forth we decided when/where Adeline could meet Harry and the rest of the boys. Des gave me all of the boys contact information, and we set up a time to skype. 

(A/N I know in real life it wouldn't be that easy to get the boys contact info. You'd have to pass it with management, etc.)

I'm still not sure how she'll take the news that she can't see Des in person though.I think that Adeline will be cheered up about not being able to meet Des when she gets to meet the boys. I guess we'll find out how she reacts to all of this when I tell her the news tomorrow.

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