Meeting Ventuswill

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I wake up to the sound of snoring next to her. Still half-asleep, I look to see what the source of the noise was. Then, fully awake, I realized it's Natsu sleeping in my bed. I was about to "Lucy Kick" him but saw how peace full he looked sleeping. He actually looked kind of adorable. Anger living me, i smiled and got up to get ready for the day. I then went to go take a shower.

Once i took a shower I went back to her room to get my cloths. I looked toward the bed to see that Natsu was still fast asleep but Happy was sitting up rubbing his eyes, still half-asleep.

"Hey Lucy" he said.

"Hey Happy, what are you and Natsu doing in my bed?" I asked him, eyeing the two of them.

" Natsu wanted to come. If it were me I would be with Carla right now." He said plainly while watching Natsu.

I looked at Natsu, wondering why he would want to see me. I put that thought aside, and started to make breakfast. I began to make pancakes.

"Lucy, do you have any fish?" Happy says flying in after me.

"In the fridge" I said not looking up.

Once I finished, I sat at my table next to Happy thinking about what we would be doing today. I thought back on all the other missions that I have been on and thought about how sometimes on missions I always used to feel like the weak one. I felt like I was always holding Natsu, Gray, and Erza back. Even Wendy if she had to use her power to heal me or something. Maybe I should go training by myself or go on a solo mission. Natsu and the rest would probably deny it so I might have to leave without anyone knowing. It will only be for a short while though.

I finished eating and told Happy to tell Natsu that she was going to be out for a while that she was going to do some training to become stronger and that I won't be gone long. Happy looked at me with a said face but didn't fight against me. I went to the guild to tell Master Makorav. When I arrived I went to the Mira and asked her if she has seen the master. She asked why. Of course she would want to know. I told her that I was going to go training for a little while and that I wanted to not let anyone follow after her, that she wouldn't be in any trouble. Mira seemed to understand me because she nodded her head and told me that the master was I his office. I told her thank you, and walked to the masters office. When I entered no one was in his room but him.

"What have you come for, my child" master Mokorav said.

"Master can I leave the guild for a little while to do some training?" I said.

"Of course you can, you just have to promise that you will come back. Life here in the guild won't be the same." He said with a sad smile.

"It will only be for a little while" I said, although I knew that I would miss them too, especially a certain pink haired dragon slayer. I began to wonder how he would react to the news.

"Then I guess there's no stoping you. Just remember that fairy tail will always be there for you and love you as family" he said with a wide smile on his face and his hand raised with the fairy tail sign. I felt a single tear go down my cheek knowing how much I'm going to miss them. I walked out of his office and looked over at Mira and saw that she was looking at me with a sad smile. I smiled back at her and and mouthed "bye", and walked out the guild. When it was almost out of sight I looked back. I knew that I would have to get stronger for them and that I don't want to hold them back anymore. And with that thought I walked toward the forest to find a nice quite place to train. When i reached the forest, I began to walk around a bit, going deeper and deeper into the forest. I then found a beautiful clearing filled with flowers. A meadow.
I began to walk toward the middle of it when I heard a blast from behind me. I froze for a second, terror flooded through me and forced myself to turn around. I then saw a beautiful white dragon that was looking down at me with its gold eyes.

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