Can We Calmly Discuss Cumbersmaug?

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"Hot diggity dog, that guy who plays Smaug!"  ~theminigiant on tumblr


Cumbersmaug, or Smauglock, is getting a lot of attention on tumblr and is even getting noticed by Benedict Cumberbatch himself. I am kind of obsessed with it right now too (secretly....shhhhh) so here is some information about Smaug, Cumbersmaug, and the hobbit trailer.

- Smaug seems to be a purplish, blackish, red

-Tauriel is the name of the new ginger elf that is with Legolas in the trailer and was added to the film to add more "femininity"

-The necromancer is Sauron (the main villain in LOTR) in his earlier years when he was gaining power back

-What Gandalf is doing when he leaves Thorin and company is going to be explained in the movie

-The kite of a dragon we saw in the first hobbit movie could give us a hint as to what Smaug looks like

-The White Orc, Azog, will probably be leading the Orcs in the Battle of Five Armies that takes place near the end of the Hobbit book

-Luke Evans has been cast as Bard the Bowman who, like in the books, will shoot Smaug over the lake town

That's all for now folks, but enjoy the video and gif!

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